Check it out!
I'm just about beside myself that I managed to find one locally and how clean it is!
Three knobs...anything more is just too complicated!
Amp=Amp Central.
Nice score.
That's the same exact amp as the Gibson 15R right? I think Trace Elliot was making the Gibson stuff. I've always wanted one of those EL-84 Gibson or Trace Elliot amps. How do you like it so far?
Yep....a few years ago Gibson bought Trace and just re-branded the amps with the Gibson logo.
I played one of the Trace amps a few years back and really liked it. A little over a year ago I found one of the 10quot; speaker models for cheap and snapped it up, it can actually be seen on the rack in back. As much as I dug the amp I hated the fact that I had to use a reverb pedal with it.
Then I saw this on eBay, noticed it was local and contacted the seller and managed to work a deal out for it. I've only seen a few of them on eBay.
It's SUCH a great sounding amp. It's very full and very vintage to my ears. Friggin' louder than a bomb when cranked but its got that VERY vintage tone to it. I love them for rhythm work and with a good pedal in front of it can really scream.
The 15W/6W awitch is also a big seller for me. 6W is loud, but it's actually managable in the house...well...kinda. It's a whole lot more managable than 15W which was just insanely loud; I couldn't even really play clubs with my old one because it was too loud. They really NEED to be cranked to sound good!
But this one looks like it has barely been played. Tubes look VERY new and stock. Very little markings anywhere else on it.
I want a dual EL-84 amp, and will eventually find a Gibson 15R or Vox AC-15 reverb.
No need to spend big on Dr. Z, Top Hat, and Bad Cat with such a simple circuit.
How much did you get the Trace for?
WOW! That thing looks brand new in the pictures. Awesome find, bro.
Originally Posted by GearjoneserI want a dual EL-84 amp, and will eventually find a Gibson 15R or Vox AC-15 reverb.
No need to spend big on Dr. Z, Top Hat, and Bad Cat with such a simple circuit.
How much did you get the Trace for?
I picked up the non-reverb model for a little over $200. It was a total fluke that I was checking for one on eBay when some guy in the Midwest put it up. I think the auction was active for a whole half hour before I hit the quot;Buy It Nowquot; option.
This one ran me $400. The guy was very cool about things; he was only looking to acrue funds to pay off something else and that amount was his reserve. For the extra he might have made letting the auction finish it apparently was worth more to him to just be able to have cash in hand the next day and be done with it.
I was prepared to go a good chunk above that though. I think he was the one who just put the number out there for me to meet or beat. Like I said, I think he was just willing to forego more cash for the insurance that the amp would be paid for and done with by noon the next day.
Got a chance to really crank it up yesterday morning with my Les Paul clone, Tele and a Strat. about an amp that NEEDS to be pushed to sound awesome! The cleans are great, but they're NOTHING compared to this amp with the Volume at 12 o'clock!
So you selling the old one to a fellow Bostonian? Does it have the 6/15w option as well?
Originally Posted by sooperunknSo you selling the old one to a fellow Bostonian? Does it have the 6/15w option as well?
The old one is available for sale, and with shipping and all I'm more that happy to go local with it. I'm just hard-pressed to find the time to take good photos of it and give it the quot;once over.quot;
It does not have the 6/15W option, not reverb.
However I do have a handy-dandy Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail Reverb pedal that sounds fantastic.
If you go over to the Gibson website, and d'load the clips of the various guitars, those are the quot;oldquot; Gibson amps. I've also demo'ed a few and they are some of, if not *the* best sounding EL-84 amps I've heard. Musicians friend had 'em for cheap awhile back...suspect they are all gone by now
Congratulations, 'krough.
I see Music123 still has some of the Gibson Goldtones in stock....hmmmmmmm....
feelin a little GASsy
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:56
Major Amp Score!