
Which one of these do you find works better for you or you prefer? I used to alternate pick all the time now I'm trying to employ a sweep picking technique as it is much more efficient and will hopefully improve my speed. Its like trying to learn guitar all over again though when you switch picking techniques. I'm all clumsy and I really have to think when I'm trying to employ a sweep technique.

alternate picking ascending - down up down... up down up.... down up down

sweep picking ascending - down up down... down up down... down up down

i´ll have a hard time playing that kind of sweep you are meaning...if you refer that sweep that a lot of guitarrist call economy picking, thats one hell of a technique to practice with... i just can´t do that... too much time developing speed with alternate picking to try to play that way... the only way my right hand understands sweep, is playing arpegios (a 2 string arpegio is the nearest to the economy picking...down down up, down down up, down down up....p.e. yngwie's trilogy suite op.) or playing licks with one note per string ala paul gilbert technical dificulties...

i saw michael romeo doing that on his young guitar video, but i don´t really see myself doing that with my right hand...

why don´t you try with the frank gambale chop builder video, it has a lot of good exercices to develop speed with alternate picking...

I try to use sweep, although it always depends on the sound I'm after. Also what I use is to do is to take the last string I play the other way, for example if I'm ascending from strings A-H I take a, d and g downpicking and h uppicking.

You just have to start to take it with you everywhere you go. First two strings at a time, then third etc... One'll get a hang of it pretty soon.

I only sweep when its more than one string I'm trying to get across, or certain licks that require speed, but even then its only 2 string pieces, and it's not like an ascending scalar run.

Put it this way; they'll both give you the same speed, IMO. Sweeping, however, will give you a more fluid, legato like feel, whilst strict alternate (my preference) will give a more machine-gun accurate feel.

Frank Gamble is the dude who I decided to try this technique from. I read where he said that alternate picking resulted in some wasted motion and that economy or sweep picking whatever you want to call it results in more speed and fluidity when properly learned which is why I'm trying it. I can get good speed from alternate picking and legato playing I just wanted to try something new to see if it improved my playing. I also think that if I stick with this picking method arrpegio sweeps will only get that much easier.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3I only sweep when its more than one string I'm trying to get across, or certain licks that require speed, but even then its only 2 string pieces, and it's not like an ascending scalar run.

Put it this way; they'll both give you the same speed, IMO. Sweeping, however, will give you a more fluid, legato like feel, whilst strict alternate (my preference) will give a more machine-gun accurate feel.I have noticed when I sweep pick correctly and don't think about it, its so effortless when compared to alternate. On alternate it seems like my hand is moving much more then it should. I could just get fed up with it and go back to alternate picking who knows!

I say try learning economy picking first, thats just sweeping using a down stroke. I learned that first and then took me a little longer to learn full sweeping using both up and down strokes. I think economy picking by itself does what you need it to do when playing arpeggios.

Here is a neat thing i started learning after i got economy picking down. I noticed Jason Becker plays these little sweeps in his 5th caprice video and i thought it was really cool. It takes some practicing to get it down, but you have to play it really fast to get it to the speed in which he played it at. The picking pattern is very simple, you just have to drill it into your head.


Alternate picking is good for improvisation. If you want to make up something on the spot, you don't want to be trying to plan your picking line either. And sometimes economy picking is not the most economic way to do things. If you're wasting a lot of motion alternate picking, you should probably sit down and spend a few hours really working on it. Fine some good alt. picking lines, play them slowly, and exaggerate the movement. When you've got it even, start reducing the movement, and picking up speed. Another way is to take a simple picking line, then force yourself to pick it at at least 144 to 160 bpm. This will literally force your hand to be more efficient.

I can economy pick I just don't do it much... i was mostly trying to employ a sweep picking for scale runs and such like ascending and descending. That becker piece is cool though I've heard him do a couple of those.

Originally Posted by vinterlandI have noticed when I sweep pick correctly and don't think about it, its so effortless when compared to alternate. On alternate it seems like my hand is moving much more then it should.

It is true, it does! I sweep/economy pick everything. After a while with a metronome, you don't ever need to think about picking directions again, it is great! It is slow to start, but it really allows you to use a lot less motion. People like Steve Morse and DiMeola alternate pick at amazing speeds, but us mortals need all the help we can get.

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