When changing strings is it bad to take them all off at once and proced to put new ones one or should they be done one string at a time till you eventualy have new strigns on?
i do mine one at a time, unless im cleaning the neck in between - its a whole lot easier to work when you havnt got the loose ends of the other strings flying around hehe
and on a floyd-equipped guitar, you *must* do them one at a time.. the tension cannot be releived on the bridge, else you got yourself a pain-in-the-ass bit of adjustment once their all back on
Originally Posted by Impand on a floyd-equipped guitar, you *must* do them one at a time.. the tension cannot be releived on the bridge, else you got yourself a pain-in-the-ass bit of adjustment once their all back on
Wrong. Most of the time, the tension stays just fine, and you're supposed to put a block in to take them all out, anyways.
i do mine one at a time unless im working on the insrument. i have always been told that the neck of an accoustic guitar would warp if strings were not kept on it. i have had guitars in the shop for years with no strings and have yet to have the neck warp on one. but there could always be the first time.
Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Wrong. Most of the time, the tension stays just fine, and you're supposed to put a block in to take them all out, anyways.
woops, ok - corrected i've only owned an OFR before, i said what i did based on what i hear here heh
Originally Posted by Impwoops, ok - corrected i've only owned an OFR before, i said what i did based on what i hear here heh
It's a common misconception, I understand. String changes on floyds aren't any more of a pain than on string thru bodies. The only thing that takes longer is tuning, but the stability of the Floyds tuning makes it all worth it. I raw tune maybe once a week or so, and usually just to be dead on for band practice.
Also, if you break a string at the saddle, you just have to unlock the nut, unwind the string, and lock it back in. Way easier than putting a whole new set on.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:56
Changing strings