
Hey guys.

I have a 70s Jap Strat which I recently decided to switch over to a HSS configuration as I grew a little bored with the sound of the guitar as it was.

I've recently discovered that the guitar will require a fairly substantial amount of routing in-order to accept the HSS scratchplate and pickups which I've bought.

I've had the thought of switching the scratchplate from my 1993 Fender Strat (loaded with SD Antiquity Texas Hots) into my Japanese Strat to save routing the Jap Strat.

The guitar which currently houses the Antiquities has (I believe) an Alder body, maple neck and a Rosewood fretboard. Whereas the guitar I'm thinking of putting them into has a Mahogany/Ash sandwich body and a maple neck/fretboard.

I just thought I'd check if anyone has any idea how much different the Ants would sound in the Japanese Strat as regards their current home?

I know I've not worded this very well, but hopefully you know what I'm asking


*BUMP* as I really need opinions from people who have used these pickups in different bodied guitars

a mahogany/ash body? thats a new one. but with a maple neck id say the texas hots would be great.

Originally Posted by jeremya mahogany/ash body? thats a new one. but with a maple neck id say the texas hots would be great.

Thanx for the reply Jeremy

I'm not 100% sure on the actual woods used, but a friend of mine that did a Luthier course told me that the top and bottom 'layers' of the guitar are Ash, while the centre part is Mahogany.

That's as much info as I have about the guitar itself. but here's a few pics incase anyone has any other opinions about what it may be cool looking guitar brow!!

I've seen those before. Usually they had a solid color paint job or sunburst and then someone stripped off the finish and they turned out looking like that. Does look like some sort of mahogany but might be Luan...probably not Honduras Magogany. Might be maple on the back and top but might also be a cheaper wood like birch, just to make it easier to paint and get a smooth finish without having to fill the pores of the Luan or Mahogany or to do a sunburst on the top and back. My guess is that the guitar had a solid color finish or was sunburst with solid black edging and has been stripped. Lew

You are correct Lew

When I originally 'found' the guitar it had a very battered solid Black finish which was stripped away to reveal what you see in the pics. Although the body was oiled with (I believe) Linseed oil and then sealed with wax inorder to darken the guitar finish.

Anyone else have an opinion about Antiquity Texas Hots in a maple necked strat?


Bumpity bump bump

I just put an Antiquity Texas Hot neck and a Custom bridge in an alder/maple Strat, and they sound like a good Strat should. They are brighter and less chunky than I expected, but they're growing on me. They are a definite improvement over the Texas Special neck and bridge pickups that they replaced, and work perfectly with the Texas Special middle pickup.

Originally Posted by KelseyI just put an Antiquity Texas Hot neck and a Custom bridge in an alder/maple Strat, and they sound like a good Strat should. They are brighter and less chunky than I expected, but they're growing on me. They are a definite improvement over the Texas Special neck and bridge pickups that they replaced, and work perfectly with the Texas Special middle pickup.

Thanx for your reply

As they have A2 magnets I didn't think they'd be overly bright, but just wanted to check what you guys thought of the pups in similar guitars


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