
Coming from a Gibson/Dimarzio background for over 20 years, I finally took the Duncan plunge.I am ridiculously happy with the brute that is the quot;Invaderquot;. I popped one of these baby's in the neck of my Kelly and boy howdy, let's shake the foundations! I got the high output and stupididly wicked bass I was looking for.I have several guitars to jack around with, so I combined what I know with my new best friend the Invader. So currently one of my Jackson Kellys is outfitted with a Dimarzio Tone Zone in the bridge and the afformentioned Invader in the neck. It's a high octane machine. Mind you it sure ain't for nice slow tunes, but I'm very happy with it.
This combo is definately something you wouldn't rig on an axe meant for versatility, but it is a wicked combo.
Anywhoo, I know some folks seem on the fence with the Invader, but put my vote in the quot;Kick A@# Rawkerquot; column!

Glad you are liking the combo. That combo is a bit out of the norm. But, it if works for you, more power to ya.

It is a great thing when something comes together for someone giving them the sound they seek.

I'm guessing you play metal? How do you find the Tone Zone as far as Distorted, Palm-muted Rhythm playing is concerened?

I'm gonna put Duncans on my LP but I'm going to put DiMarzio's on my RG for variety's sake.

I'm leaning towards the Fred in the bridge position but seriously considering the Tone Zone.

As with anything pickup related, the guitar's wood, your feel, attack etc. affect everything. For that matter the tone really always starts with the fingers, but now I'm just sounding like a hippy
The Tone Zone is really great IMO. It drives the bridge in several of my shred only full gain machines, especially in lighter brighter wood guitars where my standard Super Distortion would come off a bit high on the too bright side for me.
The TZ balances it out and still gives brings the juice.
I'm very happy with the palm mute and distortion sounds.

Keep in mind what you're looking for in clean tones, as I do not rig these guitars with clean tones in mind, so that's really never in my scope of judgement. I just switch guitars for clean playing, classic rock, blues, etc. When I need clean and versatile I'm a straight up Gibson guitar/Gibson pickup old school geezer
I must cry out again in high praise of my newest friend quot;The Invaderquot; once again. Yeah buddy !

I was wondering about the invader in the neck. I was kicking the idea around of Invader (neck) Dimebucker bridge for my Ibanez.

Invader in the neck?! Now that's a lot of bass!

I thought it might balance out the dimebucker?

Dude the Invader is wicked cool in the neck. An extreme route for an extreme sound, not for the timid
Give it a try. There's no downside, because even if it's way too much for your own sound in the neck, an Invader should definately work it's way into at least one axe in your metal arsenal.
It's just brutal !

Any chance of hearing some clips?

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