
****ing hails Guys!!!!
I want to help you out.
i never get Worried about my tone to be Sterile with my emgs.
why? because... from what i´ve heard from SOME EMG OWNERS... i could figure out what they missed in the EQ chain, and what they added.
so.. basically... this is what i try to do with the emgs in every amp i get to play, since i have no amp for the momment.
first of all, you have to know your emg tone, and where its tone can reach.. until the distortion pedal or the amp´s distortion can start to Work with it.
well, IF i´m not mistaken.. you have to Boost the Mids until they quot;Explodequot; In Crunchyness, and then.. this crunchyness will have a little effect on the bass.. too. and i just not sure right now how to cancel the icy pick sterile Higsh on the emg. i´ll work on that on some amps... but i believe a little bit of compression will solve that issue.
anyone agrees with me or want to add something and/or disagree? post your comments.

the on board preamp compresses the signal right from the origin, the pickups. That squashed tone is one of EMG's signatures. One way to open up and add more openness and fullness to EMG's is to do the simple 18volt mod. I've done them on both guitars and basses and it made a difference.

Yah man, i´m only bored with its Highs...
the entire tone is great for me.

Try adjusting them farther away from the strings!

Put an 85 in the bridge to get rid of the shrill highs. The 81 has them in brighter guitars.

The only pickup that might sound sorta ice picky is the 81. The rest are not going to sound like that. I just recorded a quick overdriven blues tone with my 85 and it was nice round and meaty. I sent the clip to DeadSkinSlayer and his exact words were quot;That doesn't sound sterile at allquot;. That just goes to show that you can't believe what everyone says about them. Considering the 81 and 85 are full of mids I really don't think you need to dime your mids on the amp. If it works for your sound then its fine. My biggest tip about playing EMG's is to only play them through tube amps. Solid state and digital amps just make it sound almost too clean, thus probably why people think they are sterile.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Put an 85 in the bridge to get rid of the shrill highs. The 81 has them in brighter guitars.


Originally Posted by vinterlandMy biggest tip about playing EMG's is to only play them through tube amps. Solid state and digital amps just make it sound almost too clean, thus probably why people think they are sterile. 1 Million.

The biggest complaint with EMG's, of course, is the sterile sound. It's just extremely clean, and almost clinical sounding, so it ends up sterile to most ears. SS and modelling amps are usually extremely clean as well, so combining the two isn't a good idea.

Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONi just not sure right now how to cancel the icy pick sterile Higsh on the emg. i´ll work on that on some amps...

I run the 81's tone knob down around 7 and play with a heavy pick.

My guitar has an ASH body. i think it´s the reason its sounding soo ****ing ICY hahahahahahah
´will the problem be solved if i put it in a mahogany body or basswood body!?

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Put an 85 in the bridge to get rid of the shrill highs. The 81 has them in brighter guitars.
YEAH guys,i Liked the 85 A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTT but i need the 81 tight and articulated bass.. and the 85 can´t give it to me.
it sounds like... a custom shop emg 85 . but i think they didn´t do that. right
I´ll call it EMG 85 PLUS! or EMG 85 666!

thank´s for the support.

I tried that, it work with some amps.
The higsh are more roundedn and less sterile, icy picky...
Thank´s Man

Originally Posted by screamingdaisyI run the 81's tone knob down around 7 and play with a heavy pick.
I say try the 85 again, try out all different heights, and then see how that goes.

The 81 would loose most of it's shrillness in a mohogany body, and some of it in a basswood body.

and imagine all of that in a 5150?

aahahah TONE HEAVen!

and imagine all of that in a 5150?

aahahah TONE HEAVen!Haha, Shane of Backmask ( from : localhost/from Santa Barbara) uses 81's in mohogany, 707's in mohogany, and a JB in an ESP M-II, and sounds godly.

Definately tone heaven!

i have a doubt here
Mahogany or Mohogany?
in brazil we call it MOGNO

Well I've seen, and spelled it myself, both ways, but most all dictionary's have it as:

ma·hog·a·ny Audio pronunciation of quot;mahoganyquot; ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-hg-n)
n. pl. ma·hog·a·nies
1. 1. Any of various tropical American evergreen trees of the genus Swietenia, valued for their hard, reddish-brown wood. 2. The wood of any of these trees, especially that of S. mahogani, used in making furniture. 2. 1. Any of several trees having wood resembling true mahogany. 2. The wood of any of these trees. 3. A moderate reddish brown.


Hails Guys, any tips now for which guitar/body wood will keep the mids and bass that i liked on the emg 81, but will make the highs warmer and less sterile and dry:?


Because, it in an ASH body guitars sounds very dry and sterile on the HIGHS
for leading work.

A mohogany guitar would be perfect, or possibly an alder neck thru.

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