
Hey, I've been interested in Charvels lately and I can't find and history on it or back models etc. Anything would be helpful really, I only know the basics behind Charvel. And I know some of you guys have some, so let's show 'em! I always wanted to walk into a pawn shop and get a charvel for cheap...


I bought a used 1987 Charvel.... think it's a Model 1... Has a non locking trem, Jackson style headstoc, and a single Jackson humbucker.... it's bright red with an all maple neck. It came with a case for $200 Canadian.... Amazing guitar and was like brand new, 0 fret wear!!!! It does have a minor dent near the jack plate and is missing a chip out of the point of the headstock which kind of sucks but you can't see that from the front of the guitar. For $200 Canadian it is easily the best guitar for the dollar i've found yet! The only other guitar i have found for $200 is a MIM strat....

Where did you find it? If I found a Charvel for 200 I'd cry...then buy.

got any pics of it?

And why do they seem so cheap used?

Originally Posted by Kamanda~SDWhere did you find it? If I found a Charvel for 200 I'd cry...then buy.

got any pics of it?

And why do they seem so cheap used?

Well the guitar i have looks just like the Charvel Clone guitar on another thread here.... Except for the the fact mine has no floyd and has the pointy headstock.. These were great guitars and very solid feeling.. the store i bought it from is known not to charge much for used gear... They had a 4x10 Peavey Tweed Classic 50 combo in last month for $450... I have my eyes on things in there all the time.... The same Charvel guitar in another store would of gone for double that...

No photos of it that i can post... I still have to figured out how to post photos

Here are my CHarvels. The toothpaste logo imports are the only ones I own right now. I've had a couple others in the past. These late 80's early 90's import Charvels are some of the best bang for the buck guitars out there. The toothpaste logo Charvels are on par with the US made Jacksons of the same era. Production stopped on these and the Jackson Pro series of the same era because they were taking sales away from the US line. Any Charvel info you want, let me know. I'll do what I can to help. Also, check out 750xl: made in Japan, 1989 only. Mahogany body, arched maple top, set maple neck, rosewood fretboard with reverse mother of pearl sharkfin inlays. 24.75quot; scale, available with either a Schaller Floyd Rose or string-thru (more rare).
Charvel 650xl: made in Japan, 1989-1991. Poplar body wings, maple neck thru, rosewood fretboard with mother of pearl sharkfin inlays. 25.5quot; scale with Schaller Floyd Rose, Jackson active mid-boost circuit.
Charvel 275dlx: made in Japan, 1989-1991. Basswood body, bolt on maple neck with rosewood fretboard, 25.5quot; scale. Jackson JT-6 trem.
here are my two san dimas usa charvel strat heads...

bullseye reissue now my #1 guitar actually with factory duncan custom shop EVH pickup...
my charvel employee project strat's much more purple in color this is a so-so pic...and my wayne charvel mutt. the body is wayne (charvel) neck is a reproduction charvel strat head style...the rest of mine are all charvel replicas these are the only 2 1/2 (lol) real charvels i have (for now)


What pickups do you have in the purple and the mutt?

the purple one right now has a duncan '59 but i will be swapping it for a dimarzio virtual hot paf. the wayne has a JB and a hot rails.


I recently acquired a Charvel Model 6 for under $200...problem is, it looked like this:
The paint is actually in worse shape than it looks, and it needs a refret.

It originally had a JT6 trem and some sort of Jackson/Charvel pickups with an active preamp. I'm doing a slight routing mod to fit a Floyd Rose Speedloader in it, sticking in a Dimarzio Tonezone and Fender Lace red and blue (don't worry, all my other axes are Duncan loaded) and painting it with reranch's inca silver, then spraying black tinted lacquer over the silver.

WhoFan, where is this store!

Also, when it comes to Charvels (for me) I like the non-pointy headstock, maple fretboard one pickup no pickguard ones the best. The ones I like least are the pointy-headstock ones with sharkfin inlays (If I'm getting a guitar with a pointy-headstock and shark fins it will be a Jackson)...inbetween is all good!
And special reason why they seem to be so cheap? I mean they kick major ass for the most part don't they?

First one is a model 4 (neck) and model 1a (mutt). It now has a coolrails/Jackson single/OBL450L pickup configuration, and has a a middle pup volume and bridge pup volume. I need a neck pup volume and to rewire it, for some reason the pots don't do anything until they're 95% down.

The other is my first ever guitar... Charvel model 4. Now has a bareknuckle Miracle Man in the bridge position (wired on/off/on with bypassed volume pot) and 2 Jackson singles (not bad pups). I took off the active electronics and replaced them with a single push pull 500K volume pot that's bypassable on the bridge pickup. Sounds killer, plays amazing. The guitar isn't perfect by any means, but I LOVE her.

I'm want one of the neckthru Charvel imports, but it won't be for a bit.

Hmmm, the flame on that model series neck looks vaguely familiar.

hehe you're the man!

I'm going to have to get off my butt and find a hosting site so I can post pictures of my Charvel. I have an 81 in trans red. I'm the original owner. I paid $745 for it new. My buddies and I played mostly Charvels back in the day. I know a little bit about the pre 84 Charvels, having played quite a few of em. The main thing about those early Charvels was how wonderful the necks played. You could really shred. There really was nothing else like em at the time.

Yes, if you have an original 81 Charvel, you need to post pics. Or, you can email me a pic and I can host it for you.

Here are a couple of pics of the 81 Charvel. Pretty nice if I do say so myself. By the way, is that a two piece maple body?

Thank's for posting for me. I appreciate it. It's two peice if you look close enough.

that is amazingly clean for an 81. is it all 100% original? the neck seems to be real clean (not dirty maple like most other 80s charvels). nice guitar!


I forgot how sharp the drop off was from the nut to the headstock on those early Charvels.... It is almost straight down after the nut! Not slanted like a Fender

Originally Posted by XSSIVEthat is amazingly clean for an 81. is it all 100% original? the neck seems to be real clean (not dirty maple like most other 80s charvels). nice guitar!

It's mostly all original. I still have the brass saddles so I can put them back on. I changed them out about 12 years ago in an attempt to mellow the highs a tad. I replaced the original Super Distortions (can't stand em) with several different pup's over the years. It has a Tone Zone and a Bluesbucker right now. It's on about the 3rd or fourth trem arm now. Other than that it's original. The neck has a factory hard finish.

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