...and I don't think I have spent more set up time on ANY guitar IN MY LIFE! Ugh. The guitar is in great shape as far as I can tell right now. Minor buckle rash on the back, hardly any pick marks, no headstock dings at all (Gibbys seem to be a magent for some reason). Heritage cherry color (to match my Blueshawk), cream bound body, 1/4quot; maple cap/one-piece mahogany body and neck. I really hope this guy played slide on this thing 'cause the action was a mile high, and the neck was waaay outta whack, I spent over an hour on the neck. I lowered the action a bunch, could use a bit more so I might take it in for a fret leveling. I'm just uber picky about low-a$$ action. Those of you familiar with the Blueshawk, it's got the same nech/body dimensions, same feel.
I think someone glued the screws on on the backplate (not really) because I spent over a half an hour with a mini screw driver and some needle-nosed pliers trying to turn the screws to get them out. I wanted to take the plate off because the bridge pickup sounded like it was split. I'm not good with wiring (I'm just a monkey who looks at pictures and copies), but I'm pretty sure it's split. This thing is also missing the push-pull pot, it's a '93 so it probably went out. There are two regular pots, value unknown as of yet. The bridge 'bucker sucks right now, the neck mini is good and warm. I'm thinking of just putting a mini '59 or something in the bridge.
I'm frustrated and tired, I need a nap. More to come...
Gamp;L, came out with a strat style guitar in 1983 called a Nighthawk. A band with the same name threatened to sue Gamp;L over the name. Gamp;L, changed the name of the guitar to Skyhawk, to avoid problems. Now 20 years later Gibson comes out with a guitar with the same name, and nothing was said about it. Gamp;L only produced 269 Nighthawks. They're quickly climbing in value. I thought I'd give you a little history lesson on guitars with the Nighthawk name. Congratulations on your new guitar, a buddy of mine has one, and they're nice.
Didn't Kramer make a Nighthawk too?
EDIT: Never mind, that was Nightswan.
Thanks, they are pretty cool. Kind of like someone cut an SG and a Paul in half, glued them together, and stretched it out to 25.5quot; scale. The maple cap gas some semi-flame to it too.
Those are cool guitars. I like the Blueshawk a lot too. It never ceases to amaze me that guys who appear to be players on Ebay sell you a guitar, then you get it and realize NO player could have ever owned it. Sometimes, you even see a guitar on Ebay that has intonation obviously outta whack. Are these people just buyer/sellers or do they actually play these F'ed up instruments???? hahaha
Hey, I'm not complaining about that, more the $45 he charged me for shipping. He lives one state away. UPS estimated cost was $17. I think he's just a seller.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:56
The Nighthawk came today...