I've been looking around at modeling amps from Fender, Vox, and Line6 and I was wondering, in y'all's opinion, which is quot;the bestquot;?
We'll mostly be doing covers of rock type stuff, but from a lot of differant eras, so it'd be good to have something that would cover a fairly wide range of styles. My only criteria is that's it's got to be either a 2x12 or a 1x12. No stacks of any kind please.
Thanks for the look, help, info.
Vox AD50VT.
Go to a guitar shop and try one, should so everything very well.
Best is relative. I've had a lot of luck with my Line 6 Spider, although it's not my front line amp system. I've also had success with Fender amps, too.
Originally Posted by MephisVox AD50VT.
Go to a guitar shop and try one, should so everything very well.
I agree. I've got the 30 watter for the same purpose and am going to move upup to the 50 watter, although I use the Vox strictly as a back up to my Mesa F-50. However, I use the Vox at practice all the time and it is great for a modelling amp. The Fender Cyber series is supposed to be good too. I heard another guitarist sound damn good through one, but I have never tried it myself.
Originally Posted by HellionBest is relative.
Notice the quotes around quot;the bestquot;.
Anyway, if you get good sounds out of your Spider I wouldn't be opposed to try the less expensive of the Vox's (AD50VT). Mephis I've already tried the 30 and liked it well enough but is that going to be enough sound, volume wise maybe, for a bar? Will it be loud and clear enough to cut through in the mix?
I jammed with a band a few months ago and the other guitarist had no problem with a Vox vt combo. The footswitch really helped him live because he could dial in all sorts of effects for a certain song and dial them up on the fly. Pretty amazing what you could do with that thing with a little bit of time and in the band mix, it really didn't sound digital (which scared the crap out of me, although I felt I cut through and sounded better with my Fargen).
Meh, it depends on your setup, you band configuration, your style, the band's overall volume, the venue...you get the idea.
For versatility, it's hard to beat Line6.
If the band's musical style is limited to a certain type of music, find an amp that complements your playing and your guitar(s).
BTW, I really dig the Vox tones.
Seriously, if you are a variety band and you use a PA, I'd go with what I currently use: a POD xt Live played directly into the mixer, with a small combo amp (preferably a keyboard or bass amp) for a stage monitor.
If your band is relatively one-dimensional (playing one style exclusively), and you don't use a PA, then find an amp that fits your style.
Any tube amp that can deliver a good clean sound dry. Possibly a Fender. Add a Boss DS-1 (or a heavier sounding pedal, if that’s your thing) for distortion and a tube screamer to boost it. Then loop it into an effects unit. That is about as versatile as it can get, and you can cover a wide range.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Versitile amp for bar gigs?