
I am in the process of changing the switch on my pickup booster as it is giving me lots of headaches and Samp;D support is not replying to my mails...

can someone tell me what type of switch is it?
IS it a single pole change over switch or a dual pole change over switch?

your help is very much appreciated.

Originally Posted by sonnyboieI am in the process of changing the switch on my pickup booster as it is giving me lots of headaches and Samp;D support is not replying to my mails...

can someone tell me what type of switch is it?
IS it a single pole change over switch or a dual pole change over switch?

your help is very much appreciated.

DPDT Stomp switch....I think the switch is soldered to the pcb but can be hard wired away from it also..

Thanks a million StratDeluxer

Originally Posted by sonnyboieThanks a million StratDeluxer
Do you need a source for a switch? Contact Evan Skopp....Warranty switch?
Send me your address and I'll get you a replacement switch out in tomorrow's mail.



Originally Posted by Evan SkoppSend me your address and I'll get you a replacement switch out in tomorrow's mail.



Thanks Evan......If the switch is something you feel you can't tackle,send me your pedal and I'll replace it for you for free...I've done a few already for forum members..

Sonnyboie, if you'd rather I send the switch to Stratdeluxer (John), that's fine too; just let me know in your e-mail to me.


DAMN! Talk about servise and kudos to John for steping up to the plate and helping a brother out!

I have to say, comming home from work and reading a thread like this makes me LOVE THIS PLACE!

Yeah, I forgot to say, thanks John!

Originally Posted by Evan SkoppYeah, I forgot to say, thanks John!

Thanks guys and no big deal really.....Just the brotherly thing to do as part of my absolute favorite website on the internet!

Glad to be part of such a great site with such great people..

Wauw amazing service alright! Thanks guys for the offer, unfortunately I am in Europe, in Amsterdam, Holland. But I really do appreciate your comments.
I have ordered me a DPDT switch and will try my luck using a soldering gun on the booster... i love the sound of it when its engaged, id probably just step on it once and have it engaged from start to finish
i surely will be back to ask more questions if I encounter problems with the switch repair..
again, I cant thank you guys enough!

I am having a problem with my Pickup Booster pedal. It intermittently loses all sound after I press the switch. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm turning it on or off. Every now and then after hitting th switch, I loses all sound. I have to press the switch again, and then it will come back on. Anyone else heard of this? What could it be?

Originally Posted by scnadeI am having a problem with my Pickup Booster pedal. It intermittently loses all sound after I press the switch. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm turning it on or off. Every now and then after hitting th switch, I loses all sound. I have to press the switch again, and then it will come back on. Anyone else heard of this? What could it be?

Sounds like a bad switch again....Very common problem on today's wahs,and alot of stomp boxes...

Ok. I'll try replacing the switch. I'm guessing I should be able to buy one at the Guitar Trader down the street. It's worth a try. Otherwise I was going to buy a new pedal.

Originally Posted by scnadeOk. I'll try replacing the switch. I'm guessing I should be able to buy one at the Guitar Trader down the street. It's worth a try. Otherwise I was going to buy a new pedal.

Again,you might want to let Evan Skopp know about it?

I also need to replace my switch in the SFX-01 but have a question. I have a 3PDT switch (9-pin). Can this switch be used instead of the 6-pin factory switch? If so, can you guys post the pin out wiring for the 3PDT? Thanks!

Originally Posted by sonnyboieI am in the process of changing the switch on my pickup booster as it is giving me lots of headaches and Samp;D support is not replying to my mails...

can someone tell me what type of switch is it?
IS it a single pole change over switch or a dual pole change over switch?

your help is very much appreciated.Originally Posted by STRATDELUXER97Do you need a source for a switch? Contact Evan Skopp....Warranty switch?

I'm in the UK and have experienced identical problems with the switch ... what do you recommend I do? Is there anyone UK-based that could help, with supplying switches and even fixing as well?


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