
Hey guys. My Roland VGA3 has a MIDI output, like the Line 6 gear. I assumed that if I plugged my midi output into my laptop, the amp would play through the speakers that the laptop are hooked up to. My laptop has a port for output (speaker system I have) and an input for microphones. I assumed I would have to plug the amp into the microphone input, I have the right cable adapter. When I do this, I hear nothing. Am I missing another piece of equipment? Do I need a special program? Thanks for any help.

i have never heard of a midi output containing audio ... only patch change and note events and continuous controller messages , etc... in fact, i do not think that the vga would actually have a midi output (what would it send?) but rather a midi INput to RECEIVE midi patch change commands, etc ... if you got a midi-USB cable, you might could send midi commands TO the vga FROM the laptop ...

you'd have to run a line out from the vga to a line in on the laptop ... it'll fry the mic input

good luck

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