Heya! Got a stock '02 Paul.. Love it plays ability. But the BB Pro's are leaving me short of a tone-loving experience. The bridge is weak and thin. The neck is decent though.
I was thinking of going with either a C5 or JB for the bridge.. and a '59 or a Jazz for the neck..
I have a C5 in my strat.. And it's killer. But I'm sure it'll sound way different in a Paul. I'm just scared about the JB because i've heard it's a hit or a miss. The Jazz really interests me because I love awesome cleans, but heard it's awesome dirty too. The '59 also scares me. Because I don't want a boomy neck sound! So far it might be a C5/Jazz. What do you guys think? Help me out here.
The JB is great in Fender style axes, but it didn't work too well in my LP ( I tried it twice). The 59 was too boomy in the neck slot of my LP, and I've never tried the Jazz.
One of my favorite combos in a LP for hard rock is the Pearly Gates in the neck and the Custom in the bridge. It will be thick and fat all around, without sounding boomy in the neck.
Here is some clips done with the JB, the guitar is; Mahogany body, maple neck/ebony fretboard:
from : localhost/s16.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0...U2H9BLHKN6VK5G
from : localhost/s16.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3...H1N0AO8FTJIMBZ
By the way, it's a solid state amp, so with a tube amp it would probably sound even better than it already does..can you even imagine?!?
Dude.. Is that JB in the neck? or some just really muddy setting? Nice playing though.. I'm also consdering the PG/PG..
No, it's not..but I guess the reason why it might sound a bit muddy is because it originaly isn't an audio recording, but a video clip, that means it have been recorded through a camera, I just converted it to an audio file.
I don't think it's muddy though..
Muddy was a little harsh.. I was just expecting more of Bridge pickup sound! Sorry! Is that a modeling amp?
I think it is. I can't remember.. (I didn't make the clips myself), but I think the guy told me it was either a solid state combo or a little digital combo.
Yeah.. that's what I'm hearing. Anyway thanks for the input bro!
I've tried just about everything in a LP and the CC and a Pearly Gates neck is my current favorite.
Out of all i have tried the Rio Grande BBQ/Texas is nmy favorite. The C-5 is sweet as well.
Robert...does the CC lack punchy bass for an LP?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Pup Combos for Stock LP