I thought I was a covered pickup guy on Les Pauls until I started checking out Slash's axes as well as Jimmy Page's open coil bridge pickup and I'm liking the look. To me open coils give it a sort of raw, modern look. But I'm still undecided about which to replace mine with. How 'bout you?
both?That looks sharp. I have the Vintage Sunburst so I'm even considering the creme/black zebras.
I can never make up my mind. Not keen on shiny chrome, but nickel, black, zebra and cream all look great in a Lester!
I used to be a cover guy...Then I went through a neck covered/bridge bare phase. These days, it's pretty much bare. But a set of three gold bricks on a black beaty is an awesome site. I could go wither way, and would probably leave the covers on something old/classic.
on lps i generally like the look of the covers. on strats and the such, open zebras look better. i just dont like how open black humbuckers look..its so..boring
I like a quot;classicquot; Paul to have covers, (Custom, RI Burst) but I like open covers on all other Pauls. I removed the pickguard from mine and added a black bridge/zebra neck. I love the quot;customquot; look. It was actually Slash's guitar that made me try the open bucker look to begin with...
I think it depends on the finish, e.g. I like the cream colored P-94 neck and DiMarzio PAF bridge pickup in my brown sunburst Tokai, but prefer covered pickups in my cherry sunburst. On this older picture it has the bridge cover off though, and the brown sunburst has both P-94s installed:
I generally prefer uncovered, right now I have zebra 59's in my Standard.
It depends on the LP and the color of the bobbins. Generally I prefer covered on a LP though. My Epi standard has uncovered right now, and that guitar will *definitely* get covers on it in the near future.
Originally Posted by bryvincentboth?Looks a lot like my Standard, except mine is zebra bridge and gold Phat Cat neck.
On Les Pauls, I generally prefer covered. It's a classy guitar, and it looks that much classier with the nickel covers. Depending on the finish though, no covers can look good too.
for more traditional finishes (i.e., bursts) I prefer covered pickups, but with solid colors, I can go either way and often really like the look of open coils.
I certainly like the look of the black/white reverse zebras on my fake LP:
99% of the time, I prefer uncovered. The right covers on the right guitar can look beautiful, though.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Continuing on the theme of LP's, do you prefer the look of open coil or covered pups?