
I have a Phillips haed screw stuck in my Standard. I put on Dunlop Straplocks, using the original (Dunlop) screws, but the screw in the neck joint will not go in all the way (the back end went in fine). Me, in my infinite stupidity, tried to screw it in any way and now it is stuck. The screwhead is very near to being stripped out, and there is about 1/4quot; gap for the straplock to move. Any suggestions on what to do? I was thinking about cutting the screw off with some snips and try to unscrew the shaft using some pliers. I'm pretty sure any snips that would be strong enough would be too thick to get in there and not scratch the body though.

Try using one of those hand held locking vice grip dealies, it always works for me.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Try using one of those hand held locking vice grip dealies, it always works for me.

Thep roblem, is that the screw head is not out enough to grab. I would have to cut the screw in half to do that...which is probably what I'll end up doing.

You can buy a screw extractor set at stew mac for less than $20 if you don't want to take to a luthier.

Originally Posted by PandemoniumYou can buy a screw extractor set at stew mac for less than $20 if you don't want to take to a luthier.

1. Or even Sears.

if you run into problems, just cut the strap button off the screw with a dremel or something (if you can) and use some pliers to get the screw out. i have some extra dunlop strap locks i can send you parts from. i use schallers and just have these collecting dust.


use the force.

I'd probably keep the screw head on, but clamp a set of vicegrips tight around it, and be really careful not to gouge a hole in your guitar's top with a screwdriver or pliers.

Use a file to cut a line straight across the diameter of the screwhead, then use a flathead screwdriver to loosen the screw.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserI'd probably keep the screw head on, but clamp a set of vicegrips tight around it, and be really careful not to gouge a hole in your guitar's top with a screwdriver or pliers.Originally Posted by FretFireUse a file to cut a line straight across the diameter of the screwhead, then use a flathead screwdriver to loosen the screw.

NBOth not an option... the screw is recessed deeply into the pin, and is merely quot;bottoming outquot; in the hole a few millimeters too early to seat correctly... He Can´t grip the head or file a slot into it with out first executing the Strap pin (which I think will have to be sacrificed for the good of the axe)...Originally Posted by XSSIVEif you run into problems, just cut the strap button off the screw with a dremel or something (if you can) and use some pliers to get the screw out. i have some extra dunlop strap locks i can send you parts from. i use schallers and just have these collecting dust.


This is what I´d recommend, better to screap the straplock that damage the guitar.... Tape off the horn, and cut off the strap pin, then remove screw, redrill or refill if necessary, quot;Screwing on the Pin, Take 2 *Snap*quot;

I think I'll try the screw extractor first. If that doesn't work the straplock is toast! Thanks for the suggestions.

Ooops, my bad, didn't understand the whole situation I guess

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