Hi, I´m going to put a SD Vintage Rails on the neck position of a Standard Strat (MIM), leaving the middle and bridge stock. I know the best would be to replace all the pup´s but I really can´t do it right now so I´m gonna change just the neck one.
目前分類:title (5999)
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Rookie, Help with Vintage Rails in MIM Std Strat
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Can Anyone Compare OCD vs Catalinbread SCO
I've been researching the SCO today, and from the reviews I read it sounds similar to the OCD only more over-the-top. Does anyone have both pedals to give a comparision?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Re-fret vs. fret dressing on a Japanese Strat reissue (50s)
I have a Fender 1957 Strat reissue (MIJ) that I bought ~ 1989 or so (new). I consider it to be my first real guitar (not counting a piece of ****e Squier I owned before that...fine tuners stripped out, etc). Anyhow, The frets seem to be quite worn out. I am an amateur, not a gigging musician, but nevertheless I've played the thing quite a bit over the years. I've never had fret work done on a guitar, and don't know the big difference between refretting and fret dressing. I'd like to get this professionally done, of course, after I find a tech (I'm in central CT). Is a fret dressing appropriate for worn frets? I'm hoping not to spend too much but then again, hopefully this thing will play much better after the fact.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Pearl White Parker Nitefly now on ebay
from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...tem=7309160514
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
VIPER 400 review
i finally got my viper in and i love its wonderful to play its definately unmatched quality for its price the tone control works exeptionally well im used to tone knobs when lowering not manipulating tone as much as it usually kills it so this was a treat my only complaint about this axe is i would change the neck pickup emg 81 seems too harsh for my taste although perfect for bridge. when my 3 year warranty is over im gonna get emg 60s i think and maybe give it a new paint job
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Hey I´m New
Hey guys i´m new to the forum and glad to be in it !
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Plexitone Clips?
Can Anyone post some plexitone clips please . . . .
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
I would seriously like to know why a neck plate cost so much!
from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/FENDER-USA-CUSTO...QQcmdZViewItem
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Building a tube power amp
I was thinking of another idea-I really like the sound of my Deluxe's preamp stage. Perhaps instead of running an extension cab, i could daisy chain my deluxe to a 2x6L6 power amp into my 1x15 extension cab.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Jb J?
I was suggested with an old JB J pickup (not just plain JB), and since it is not in the lists of SD's pickups, I wonder if it ever existed at all, and went out of production. does anybody know about this JB J humbucker pickup? specs maybe?
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
My band just played an open mic. tonite. I used my #1 Fender Fat strat with a Bill Lawrence Humbucker in the bridge.
I only use standard and Drop D tuning. I use Fender Super Bullets 10-46
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Cheapest rea les paul.
when i went to buy my sg the guy at the local music store (will) set me up with a les paul that was re-finished by some craftsman. 750. this is a real gibson les paul. it was too heavy for me at the time, and i was unexperienced. well now i NEED a les paul BAD and i was wondering the lowest price that you've seen them.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
John Suhr Pickups
Had a guy in a guitar shop try to sell me John Suhr pickups for telecaster yesterday. I know a little of the history of John Suhr, but wasn't aware he wound his own pickups. Does anyone have or know where I can find some information about the pickups? It's got me curious, and Suhr webpage soesn't off a lot of information about them.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
How to make a Blues Junior sound bigger?
Is there anything pretty simple to do to make a Blues Jr sound... A little fuller? Bigger? Deeper? I really liked the one I played today at GC, but I couldn't get it to sound as full with the bass all the way up as the HRD next to it did at a normal setting. I know a lot of it has to do with the small cab, but maybe it can be corrected? Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
FINALLY.... my gear pics!!!
Well I finally got off my a$$ and took pictures... and plenty of them!!
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
LP Fretboards?
I have a luthier type question. All my guitars, even the cheapest ones have a flat (not counting radius) fingerboard. However, on my Gibsons the edges have spots that are higher and lower. Like they are milled side to side as opposed to end to end on a belt. Most Ive seen are like this. Looks cobby and hand tooled. Why is this on such an expensive axe??
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Vox Valvetronix 120 Watt Head A Keeper!
I Like the tones I've been hearing out of this head already after dialing some cool ones up with my great ears! It's very easy to dial up the tones quickly..I get the amp style dialed in and then the tone controls and the gain...After that,I decide on what effect(s)if any that I need and then dial the effects up...If the effects color the original tones,I then just readjust my tone controls until I have it dialed in,press quot;writequot; twice and the new preset I made is saved to a bank and set number preset position..The amp is very easy to learn on and it has great tone...Great bang for the money I think..The Vox tones are very cool and very usable and I haven't even tryed alot of the other amp models yet...Looking forward to it though!
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Mesa Boogie Quad Arrived
Well it actually arrived yesterday, but I was gone from 8am to 10pm, so I didn't get to fire it up. It looks pretty good, the only things that need attention right away are the two missing EQ tops/things and a broken fuse I'm just gonna snag the fuse from my STudio preamp to test the Quad though I'll pickup some more fuses from the shack this afternoon. I also gotta find some rack ears for this sucker, but that's not gonna be a big rush since I don't have an actual rack to put it in just yet.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
What is an envelope filter??
I've been reading about the Boss FT-2 Dynamic Filter pedal. Is this thing like the Dunlop Q Zone, which gives you the stationary wah thing for leads and such? Are there any websites that describe what different effects pedals do? Thanks to anyone who can help.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
I removed the Epi pickup covers...
I found out, for me anyways, that two Gibby Iommis are not a great pairing. The boing-y quot;both pickups togetherquot; sound was not satisfactory. I will still keep the Iommi around for the next time I get uncontrollable g.a.s! It is a fantasticlally crushing pickup in the bridge position! IOMMI!