I'd like your opinions please:
目前分類:title (5999)
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
A Combo for My Solid Body 12 String?
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Effects loop level and rack effect.....
The rear pannel of my marshall has on the effects loop a selection between -10db and 4db level and so does the fron pannel of my rocktron replifex. Untill now i had both set at -10db...............Is that the correct way of setting the level of a rack effect in an effects loop?????
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Powerhouse Strat Pickguard
My buddy Keith won one of these off of ebay a few days ago and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them? What pickups are supposed to be in there? Were they supposed to be flat pole pups? At a glance they look like the Squier pups.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Scale length question.
A friend of mine is looking at buying a bass guitar body complete with active pickups, pots and bridge off ebay. Is there any way you can work out what scale length neck is req'd or doesn't it matter as long as you have enough adjustment of the saddles? It's a 5 string body, and he's awaiting on the seller passing on the size of the neck pocket.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Phat Cat Strat
Can anyone tell me how to wire my strat with 5 way switch for my Phat Cat set (N B) for 1vol.-2 tone and I don't care how the switch works as long as I con get both pups separate or together. Even if position s 2 4 are off. Thanks
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Anyone have exepriance with a dimebucker? Likes/dislikes? Any feedback you could give me is greatly appreciated.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
'59 in Neck, Pearly Gates in Bridge for SG?
Hey all,
Trying to get a Clapton/Cream, Billy Gibbons, Warren Haynes tone in an Epiphone SG. Also want it to sound glassy and pleasant clean. I am pretty much settled on the 59n. What about the bridge?
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
OD Units
There are so many different things out there....I can't wrap my mind around which one to get. Bonzi Fireball or Rising Sun II, CM Plexitone, Fulldrive II, OCD...the list goes on and on. I don't care about the cost, I want the best....and I realize best is subjective.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
the Vibrolux has landed...
and with a nice surprise or 2...first It is pretty damn clean which is a plus. Second, it has all new Sovtek 7025's...not the best tube in the world but far bette than the stock pre-amp tubes. 3rd...a brand new, NOS JAN Phillips 6L6WGB (short 5881 style bottles). It has a set of Kendrick speakers that I knew were in there! I got home late and have not been able to really crank it yet but I will very soon. I can already tell you that it is far less hissy/noisey than the new ones I tried out on the stores! I hope these speakers are keepers...full details soon...wish me luck!
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
PATB-2 clip
Allrighty, I recorded something with my Strat that sports a Parallel axis distortion trembucker, and it sounds like doo-doo.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Which Duncans For...
Maximum Smoothness and Velvetness ahahahahah
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
epiphone SG?
as you may or may not know, i live in chicago now for school, and occasionally i go back home to detroit on weekends when my band has any shows booked. i left my gibson back at home, and the only guitar i brought with me is my squier strat.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Thinking About Pulling The Trigger On THIS Cab
Marshall Cab
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Tube replacement for my amp...
I should say that I have a basic nowledge about tubes but I don't so much about which are the better brands. I have a ENGL Thunder (50watts) which has 4 preamp tubes and 2 power tubes . From the manual:
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
First Impressions of Playing the Bass
I spent the better part of the evening getting acquainted with my new P-Bass. I've been playing guitar for about 14 years now, but this is my first bass (other than renting one a year ago for a couple of days). Here is what I've observed so far:
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
WTB Tremsetter
If it aint being used convert to cash I can paypal, thanks.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Free guitar lessons -
I wrote these lessons for Guitar.com. There's about a dozen of them.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Reccomend good cable
So I'm picking up some extra hum and hiss from my cables coupling my effects into my amp. Can someone reccomend a super quiet, high quality instrument cable?
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
WTB: Warren Hayne's slide guitar video...
Anyone have a copy they're willing to sell?
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Duane Allman's tone
Even though I lean toward strats, I have to say that some of my favorite tones came from Duane Allman live (both on Fillmore East and Eat A Peach). His tone was different live; I think because he used Fenders in the studio and Marshall's on the live album. I don't think he used any effects, just drive on the amp. ****y Betts live with the Allman's sounded much cleaner. But Duane's sounded much hotter and fatter. Any comments?Sincerely,