and with a nice surprise or 2...first It is pretty damn clean which is a plus. Second, it has all new Sovtek 7025's...not the best tube in the world but far bette than the stock pre-amp tubes. 3rd...a brand new, NOS JAN Phillips 6L6WGB (short 5881 style bottles). It has a set of Kendrick speakers that I knew were in there! I got home late and have not been able to really crank it yet but I will very soon. I can already tell you that it is far less hissy/noisey than the new ones I tried out on the stores! I hope these speakers are keepers...full details soon...wish me luck!
Alright! -hope it's a killer! Black with cream knobs, right?
Those Phillips are darn good tubes.
I think it'll kill, but yeah, you'll want some better preamp tubes.
well, I have been giving it a run through I must say that so far this amp is a keeper for sure! I talked with Hot Grits quite a bit before pulling the trigger on this puppy and so far he's dead on! It is fatter, more raw and nastier than a black face or silver face but not quite as raw/nasty as a tweed. the Clean tones are great, althought is doens't stay clean very long! I woudl say that it has very little clean headroom for a 40 watt amp but I bought this thing for crunch so I like that. The reverb is not as wet as BF reverb but still very Fender sounding and can get wet if that's you thing...I find it hard to dial in just a little bit of verb on my's sither just barely on or soaking wet, the Lux doens't have that problem. The vibrato is great too...I have not opened the amp up yet to see why but the vib sounds different than the vib in my Twin...I like it as well, not more or less than the Twin just different. The great thing is that it has the verb and the vibe on both channels so the channels are set up normal and bright like a Tweed and I love can swap channels when you go from a Strat/Telle to a Les paul or you can blend the channels like you wold on an old Tweed/4 hole Marshall!
Mine has all Sovtek preamp tubes which (IMO) are not great but they could be worse, they will be getting changed out soon. It has a set of NOS Phillips 6L6WGB (5881 style) which are great...the are very round sounding and compress quite nicely. Mine also has the Jensens removed and swapped for a set of Kendrick 20 watters (Blackframes)...I like them but I do wish that they were a little more heavy duty on the wattage...if I push it hard I get a some cone breakup, which is fine. The bottom could also be a bit more solid but thats cool adds a nice texture. Over all I relly like this amp and the speakers. I will say this for sure...I tried out one or 2 in stores and found them to be very hissy/noisey as well as very bright in a non musical way...after new tubes and a speaker swap this one does not sound like that at all! It's much quiter than any of the ones I treid in stores and the treble is much less in your face.
Yeah, that new one I tried recently was a totally different beast to my amp. Almost as if it was a different amp altogether...
Sounds like a nice amp Christian. I've always liked Vibrolux amps and in some ways they are the ultimate amp for a Tele. Both Danny Gatton and Roy Buchanan used them almost exclusively. So you you have the blackframe Kendrick speakers? Sounds like they are sort of inspired by the '66 Jensen C10Q speaker. If you want to someday upgrade to an even better speaker that will NOT fart out when you get on it, try a pair of the Ted Weber speakers: the 10F125 . Much bigger magnet...really a great, great speaker in a Vibrolux. The original mid 60's Vibrolux Reverb came with Jensen's top of the line 10, the C10N. Those Weber 10F125 speakers are like a hybrid of the Jensen C10Q and C10N but they sound alot like my old '66 C10n' favorite 10quot; ceramic magnet speaker. Lew
Grits...I THINK mine is a 96 has the 50th anniversiary sticker on the back (1946-1996) making it the year right after yours and to be honest it was nothing like the ones I tried in stores...I got it for a good enough price that I know I could sell it if I didn't like it but I dig it, so Im gonna hang on to it!
This really is a great amp...Im going this weekend (I hope) and compare my Lux to a 66BF Lux just to see whats the same and whats different. I do have the Kendrick speakers and I do like them for the most part, but they could be a bit tighter...I am already thinking about getting a set of Webers! In all honesty the only problems that I have with this amp is that I do not have the footswitch (no biggie) and I just don't like that it's on a PCB..but I think I'll get over least it's on a nice thick PCB!
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
the Vibrolux has landed...