
I'm trying to decide what pickups to put in my Ibanez S470. It has a thin mahogany body, bolt-on maple neck with a rosewood fretboard. IT has an
H-S-H pickup route. My amp is a Fender Blues DeVille. I'm looking for the tone to be somthing like TSO, Iron Maiden, and Dream Theatre.

I'm thinking of putting a jazz in the neck or maybe an Alnico II Pro and a little '59 in in the mid. I'm not really shure at all about the bridge maybe a Distortion, Custom, or Custom Custom.

I'm open to all Ideas.

I have a Custom TB-5 in my S540 and I love it. Fattens up the guitar a lot.

Thank you Derrek. What pickups do you have in the mid and neck position and how do you like them?

I think I saw a similiar thread a few weeks ago but I can't find it, if someone could post a link or the thread title that would be awsome.

I say you go custom/vintage rails(or duckbuckers) bridge model(for more output)/jazz.
That would be a very versitle combo IMO.

I have an S370DX, and I really like the 59n in there. I have the duckbucker bridge in the middle...but I don't know if I like it that much..I think I should've gone with DB neck, but maybe that's just because I'm a neck kinda guy? I'm searching for the right combo too, so I'm interested to see what you like!

By the way, do you have a good schematic for it? I may still have the one off their site, but I don't know. Lemme know if you're using (assuming you're doing this yourself) ibanez' or a different one. I really wanted to find one on the SD website, but I couldn't for HSH, I don't think. That was a while ago, and it didn't include the duckbucker..
anyway, I'm rambling. I love the 59n. Otherwise, I don't know

The best sounding comboI've installed in an Ibanez S series was in one of the newer S470's with the quilted top and the ZR trem. I intalled a Jazz in the neck, a Cool Rails wired in parallel in the middle, and a JB in the bridge.

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