Has anyone tried these? Are they any good? Their prices are competitive...
Don't like them as much as warmoths stuff! Mind you the last WD neck i had in my own hands was about 6-7 years ago....
Fretwork is a bit inconsistent, if you donßt know how to dress frets I´d recommend USACG or Warmoth
years ago WD's necks were the same necks Stew-Mac were selling at a huge discount...... i think they all used to come out of the Godin plant.... Godin used to make replacement Fender style parts. I have a strat made with Godin Machined Strat replacement stuff i bought off the wall of a local store about 15 years ago now.... That strat sounds amazing but the neck feels awful and the body was baddly machined..... can't keep it in tune! This i find really strange as Godin makes some amazing stuff!!!! Love their guitars!
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
WD bodies and necks