Okay, I'm about to choose a preplacement neck for my paisley Strat project. Somehow, I've got it into my brain that a tele neck (ala EVH's 57 strat) would be cool. What do you guys think:
-also what fit problems will I have? -A friend put a squier tele neck on his Am std Strat with no problems. Am I right in assuming I'll be able to do the same?
Seems cool. If you think the neck feels good, go for it.
The Tele neck has a square heel, the Strat is rounded. I'm pretty sure Dan Erlewine mentioned that this is a critical area for neck to body fit in the pocket. So you may have to square off the corners of the pocket for a snug fit...may slightly move the neck closer than the original position.
I put a JV Strat neck on my Tele-Gib...the guard and pocket was slightly rounded to fit.
The Tele neck on your Strat will look very kool IMO. Have fun.Butnut, wouldn't the strat neck fit fine in the tele pocket with room to spare? I got the impression no modification to the body was needed.
But if I recall correctly a strat neck pocket will need grinding no matter what
The rounded end of the Strat neck hit the bottom of the (squared) pocket which kept the screws from lining up, so I did have to round the pocket out so the neck would drop down. With bolt on neck guitars, you don't want room to spare. A tight neck-to-body (pocket) fit is what is desired. Sort of as close to a glued on neck-to body guitar is. When neck swapping, you may just have to live with gaps as you're kinda stuck screwing the neck where the holes are, you do need some play to tweak where the top and bottom strings line up so they don't 'fall off'. Unless you start with a new neck or plug the old holes and dowel and redrill... Luthiers in the know are anal about the neck pocket and how well the neck sits in there, so I tend to heed their advise...it apparantly has a lot to do with sound transfer and 'tone'. My JV neck is tight as a crabs ass in my Tele-Gib...does it sound better? I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out if nitro sounds better than poly...
I bought Dan's book and took a lot of his advise...I'm a happy camper, my guitars sound good and play easy.
if you can get a good pocket fit with it...go for it...i LOVE tele necks!!!!
ok...a strat neck will go on a Strat or a Tele body with no problems, on the other had a Tele neck will NOT go on a Strat body...if you want a Tele headstock order a Strat neck fromwarmoth with a Tele headstock...it doesn't cost any extra but they won't take it back either...
Ta guys...
From this Warmoth page:Will it fit my guitar?
quot;The heel shape of Strat® necks is rounded at the end, Teles® are squared. Strat® necks will fit Tele® bodies but show a gap at the corners. Tele® necks may not intonate on a Strat® body without neck pocket modification.quot;
I vote for Strat necks
I didn't like the feel and looks of the tele neck. Tried my friend's 72' thinline, its just alright
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Help me choose: tele or strat neck?