greetings for all Seymour fans I'm new here and I came here because I want to put a pair of SD in my main guitar but here in Portugal is very dificult to get information about some kind of things.
So, here's the question.
I play Doom metal and I want a sound that goes to the bottom but, at the same time I wanna hear all the notes clear and bright, specialy in solos.I was thinking in a combination of:
JB and Jazz, TB4 (bridge) and SH2 (neck)
2 Duncan Distortion, SH6 (bridge and neck)
Duncan Distortion amp; Jazz, SH6 (bridge) and SH2 (neck)my gear is a Jackson Warrior WXT with Duncan Designed HB-104 (Iommi model) HH and floyd rose.
Marshall VS100, 100wt combo, speaker 12quot; Celestion Gold
Boss GT6 (emulation of a Soldano pre-amp), I only use the clean channel of the amp as a power amp.
PS: the pickups are to replace the Duncan Designed HB-104
Thanks for all the help
Can't help you with the pickup choice, but just to make sure you know, you need Trembucker spacing for the bridge pickup
Vampiresoul, WELOME TO THE FORUM!!
You will find a huge amount of information and people more than willing to help you here.
First of all I will warm you that I am very biased about the Jazz in the neck that said....I'd recommend the 59 or Jazz for the neck.
The 59---The 59 is the quintessential A5 PAF (patent applied for) pup. Imagine getting in a time machine and going back to 1959 and swiping a brand new A5 pup from the Gibson factory in Kalamazoo and bringing it forward to today. They have found most homes in many neck slots. It has symetrical coils and lots of quack. It has thumping bass, a scooped mid, and cutting highs. Vintage 2 Conductor Wire
Jazz--- The jazz is the pup that bridges the gap between Vintage and Modern pups. Its output is at or around the vintage level. Don't let the name fool you this pup is very versatile and smooth. It has an A5 magnet and is very widely used in the neck slot. It is articulate regardless of the tuning as well. This pup negociates cleans or overdrive very well. Standard 4 Conductor Wire
For the bridge I'd recommend the Custom, C5, Jb, or Distortion
Custom---The Custom is a PAF kicked up a few notches. This pup gets its aggressive edge from its Ceramic magnet. This pup has lots of grind with good treble and midrange. It also has ample bass for palm mute playing. Standard 4 conductor wire
Custom 5---The Custom 5 is a pup with an EQ very identical to The 59. It has thumping bass, scooped mids, and cutting treble. Like the 59 it is a bright pup that will liven up a dark guitar, but the bass can be overwhelming in a bassy guitar, or the the treble overwhelming in a trebly guitar. Standard 4 conductor wire
JB--- The JB is in a class of its own. There is really no other pup like it. It has fair bass and lots of treble. This particular pup has a large upper mids spike that allow it to cut through the mix like no other. It can be heard on countless recording especially throughout the 80's. Lots of people like to pair it with a Jazz or 59 in the neck. In bright guitars it is usually soldered to a 250k pot just like the original Seymour made 30 years ago. Standard 4 conductor wire
Distortion---The distortion has a wind like the JB but has an oversized ceramic magnet. The ceramic magnet gives the distortion the aggresive edge while the large size gives the Distortion its over-the-top, balls to wall sound. Lots of mids with plenty of treble and bass. Pinch harmonics happen easily. Standard 4 conductor wire
Hope this helps man!
thanks dude you explained me all that I need to know
I think my first choice was the correct, I will put a Jazz in the neck and a Distortion in the bridge.
By now, I'll buy Trembuckers because of the spacing with floyd. Can I later change that TB to a guitar without floyd, with normal spacing? No problems with the sound?
Thanks to you all
Originally Posted by VampireSoulthanks dude you explained me all that I need to know
I think my first choice was the correct, I will put a Jazz in the neck and a Distortion in the bridge.
By now, I'll buy Trembuckers because of the spacing with floyd. Can I later change that TB to a guitar without floyd, with normal spacing? No problems with the sound?
Thanks to you all Glad to help!
You can change the pup to a different guitar but the polepieces might be a bit out of wack. If you put it in, say a hardtail fender you'd probably be alright.
Welcome to the forum!
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
I need help about choosing pickups!