Hey guys.
Anyone tried the Build Your Own Clone Phase 90's? I was looking at these and wondering if it's worth it over just getting a Dunlop/Mxr reissue or EVH model. It says it's supposed to be more like vintage script models. If it's true, it's much cheaper than looking for a script model, plus it is true bypass. I was originally thinking of getting one of the kits to try myself, then saw that they sell ready made ones for about $20 more. They also come in much nicer colors.
Anyone have experience with either the kit, or the ready made ones? What is the quality of components, and construction like? Tone? What do you think of the price to tone/quality ratio? Worth it over getting a EVH, or regular reissue phase 90?
I had a reissue that I foolishly sold and I did a mod to it called R28 mod. Basically I clipped a tiny wire with a small pair of scissors and it mellows it out to sound closer to the original.
Shredaholic has built it and stands by it. I've built the rangemaster clone, so I'll just go off from there.
The rangemaster clone was an easy built except for the battery not fitting where the instructions said to put it. I wont get into the shpeel about it that I did in my last post, but to make a long story short, unless you've got patience and skill with a soldering iron, I'd recommend a ready build one. Don't get me wrong, it was fun to build, but by the end steps you'll be so anxious to finish and so sick of being hunched over wiring and smelling solder.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
BYOC: Phase 90 users?