
I am placing this post in the gear shop because it deals with gear in a way, and people that are serious about gear and tone go to this page.

Over the last 6 months we have been blessed with what I consider quot;Honoredquot; guests. By this I mean people representing some of the companies in the music industry that are willing to discuss ideas with us. I am sure I will not remember them all, but here I go. Gregg from warmoth, Mitch from Korg/Marshall, and the fellow from guitar player magazine. At least with the guitarplayer magazine topic, there seems to have been a change as a result of that. I believe that Mitch is the type of guy that will run his ideas up chain. We will have to wait and see what happens there. I was,and am really excited when I realized what was happening HERE. The S.D. forum was kind of hitting a new level in my mind. The warmoth vs usacg, and the marshall thread had good elements and bad elements in my mind. the magazine thread was great for the most part (hella long thread though).

I am not sure how to word all of this, but here I go. Please try to be respectful in these situations. WE have a chance to maybe make a little bit of an impact, in a field we obviously love, in our own way. If you have good points, or bad points to bring up, they can be done in a respectful, and civil manner. If you have an axe to grind, take it elsewere. Get the persons e-mail address and take it to them personally. Keep it off a (our) publlic forum. When these people come to us, they are coming to our quot;housequot; in a friendly fashion. They are here for an exchange of ideas, and possibly to explain their point of view. I for one respect that. They didn't come here to be put on the defense. I really respect the way Gregg handled himself here. I didn't like the way some seemed to want to badger him, or quot;grind the Axequot;.

I think these posts should be taken seriously. If we end up being disrespectful, belligerant, ill-spoken, or for that matter retarded, I think these visits will stop. Why?? no one will take us or our forum seriously. i feel we have an opportunity here. I hope we don't make ourselves irrelevant.

Finally, I think people that are quot;grinding the axequot; should be reported to the admins in these situations. Especially if there post count is low. These type of posts afford us a certain opportunity. A certain amount of respect should be given when these people come to us to offer information about their products. I am sure they think about the things we say (if they make any sense). There companies future may depend on it.

well that is my .02


Was someone disrespectful? I don't read every post, but I don't reacall people getting too out of line. Was this the case or are we just trying to nip it in the bud?

I would rather stop it before it becomes an issue. I think there was a point in one thread were it was borderline in my view. maybe not, text is hard to gauge sometimes, in respect to intent.

I'm personally trying to be a little more tactful in my posts, just because I realize that we're all judged solely on what we type. I'm glad you posted this, because it's true.
This is a public forum that is paid for by Mr. Duncan, so all of our comments here reflect on this company. We should be glad to see reps from major music companies coming here to ask our opinion, because it means that they value our opinion.
I've been guilty in the past of letting my wacky nature get the best of me, but I think the longtime members should take the responsibility of showing the newcomers how this place works, and what is unacceptable. Some of the negativity just blows me away, sometimes. I'll never know how a kid who might know 4 songs on the guitar, and has owned 2 guitars can HATE so many artists and so much good equipment.
I think the parrot info just runs rampant on forums. You see guys bashing equipment they've never even heard! Or, people suggesting pickups they've never once installed in a guitar! We don't NEED your's already on the website! I almost never post on a topic where I have nothing to offer, but only on topics I feel confident about contributing to.

I agree, great thread 54.

I'm pretty new to the forum, but I was extremely surprised to see a number of industry insiders share and contribute to discussion here.

I'm ashamed to admit that when I first registered and started looking around, I thought quot;this place is just a bunch of kids arguing over what bands are still cool to listen to.quot; It's become abundantly clear to me since that time that such is not the case, and I apologize for passing judgement so quickly (and inaccurately). I was proven wrong both by the experienced, older players AND by the quot;kidsquot; I judged so harshly. I'm only 23!!! Who the hell did I think I was??

This forum is a great community and a valuable resource for information, guitar-related and otherwise. I haven't seen all of the threads you mentioned, but having dealt with Warmoth several times I find it as no surprise that someone there would be cool enough to show up here and answer some questions. The folks at Warmoth are totally down-to-earth folks who have a real passion for what they do, and a real dedication to making their customers happy. I'm still waiting for my bocote-topped body, but my Pau Ferro neck is here and it's gorgeous!!

Anyway, enough from me I think. I just want to say that this place rocks.

Fair enough. I agree. IMO this is the place for manufactureres to come to if they want true user input on their products. We are lucky enough to have a forum here that allows us to discuss virtually any maufacturer or product. Which I see as a credit to Seymour and his company, there is obviously confidence in their products. Most of us are not pros, we are not sponsored, we work day jobs and save our hard earned money to buy the gear we want, and we buy what we like and what works. Those are the people I would want input from.

Originally Posted by 54stratloverOver the last 6 months we have been blessed with what I consider quot;Honoredquot; guests. By this I mean people representing some of the companies in the music industry that are willing to discuss ideas with us.

I am not sure how to word all of this, but here I go. Please try to be respectful in these situations.


I understand completely, how you meant this, but I still have to take issue with one little point:

I don't care if its the CEO of Fender, or some 14-year-old making his first inquiery to what pups to buy . . . we should be quot;respectfulquot; of them all. I'm not going to give quot;specialquot; attention to big wigs, but neither will I slight them for same.

It is that fundamental respect for all forum participants that makes this forum the type of place where industry leaders, small or large, desire to make a presence.

I don't think we have to handle them with quot;kid glovesquot; any more than they would want special treatment. Ergo . . . I think we're already cool.


Originally Posted by ArtieTooI understand completely, how you meant this, but I still have to take issue with one little point:

I don't care if its the CEO of Fender, or some 14-year-old making his first inquiery to what pups to buy . . . we should be quot;respectfulquot; of them all. I'm not going to give quot;specialquot; attention to big wigs, but neither will I slight them for same.

It is that fundamental respect for all forum participants that makes this forum the type of place where industry leaders, small or large, desire to make a presence.

I don't think we have to handle them with quot;kid glovesquot; any more than they would want special treatment. Ergo . . . I think we're already cool.


I agree 100%. By no means am I saying we should pad the truth, or treat them quot;specialquot;. I ultimately believe that is why these people come here. For a certain honesty, and a viewpoint that they themselves are unable to obtain. Sometimes viewing things from a distance gives you a better overall perspective. Someone associated with a company could probably not get that unless they come to places like this, or pay someone to get it for them. They get a service from us for free, and we may reap a bennefit by seing changes in products, or marketing methods from them in the future. I would just hope that in those situations we would remain civil in our conversation. A civil passing of information back and forth. Believe me, if Harvey (or whoever he is), the CEO at Gibson, came by for a chat, I would tell him how much I love Gibson and its rich history, and I would finish by telling him what a disservice I think he is doing to his loyal dealers,and ultimately to gibsons reputation. I would do that in a civil manner. I hope to see Gregg, Mitch, people from USACG, or any of the others I have forgotten stop by again. I just hope we never create an situation that would cause them not to want to come back.

Honest and respectful to all, regardless of position in life or age. That's how we generally do things, and how we should continue.

I have been here for a few years now and it always seems to come back in line when things get out of whack. The PITA's and the know it alls usually seem to fade away for the most part either that or they kind of realize what a cool place this is and get with it.

Sure every once in awhile someone gets hot but you know what, it doesn't mean you're banned for life unless you are a complete bonehead about it. So you learn and move on. You see some of these folks on here because it is such a great place with a lot of differing opinions and not a lot of fighting about it unless it's politics or religion of course

And we all learn opinions are like guitar players, every good band's got one (or 2)

Originally Posted by Wattage. . . it doesn't mean you're banned for life unless you are a complete bonehead about it.

Every once in awhile . . . I'm an incomplete bonehead.

I like the fact that SD doesn't ban me for that either.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserI think the parrot info just runs rampant on forums. You see guys bashing equipment they've never even heard! Or, people suggesting pickups they've never once installed in a guitar! We don't NEED your's already on the website! I almost never post on a topic where I have nothing to offer, but only on topics I feel confident about contributing to.

I agree 100% with every word written there.
By the way, did I miss some kinda crazy thread or something?

Amen Forum Bros. Yes, as GJ and 54SL, we're basically judge on what we type, and often, it doesnt reflect the real intent. Just read that post on the Trading Post about the HB103 DD humbucker.... you'll understand what I mean.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserThis is a public forum that is paid for by Mr. Duncan, so all of our comments here reflect on this company. We should be glad to see reps from major music companies coming here to ask our opinion, because it means that they value our opinion.

I agree 100% with everything thats been said in this thread already but these two comments are most important to me.

rock on

I'm actually kind of upset my usacg vs. warmoth thread got deleted because there was a lot of great info in there as well as input from gregg and others. I gained a lot of useful information that'll help me decide where to go when the time comes to do my custom project. Shame it got hijacked.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserI think the parrot info just runs rampant on forums. You see guys bashing equipment they've never even heard! Or, people suggesting pickups they've never once installed in a guitar! We don't NEED your's already on the website! I almost never post on a topic where I have nothing to offer, but only on topics I feel confident about contributing to.

Possibly exacerbated by post counts and catchy nicknames?

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