
I have only used OD type pedals with my Blues Junior. I have never tried any more aggressive distortion pedals with it. Have any of you tried any? If so what was the result? Any reccomendations? Typically in the past with Blackface Fenders I have found that distortion pedals were a big no-no...yuck!!!

though I more often play without effects, or use overdrive, I've tried a Maxon Distortion Master and a Boss DS-1

OD's with blackface fenders sound outstanding! a Deluxe, Vibrolux, or Pro Reverb drives great with a TS9 up front-just a liquidy smooth lead tone.

Originally Posted by Quencho092OD's with blackface fenders sound outstanding! a Deluxe, Vibrolux, or Pro Reverb drives great with a TS9 up front-just a liquidy smooth lead tone.This I know very well, but heavy distotion type pedals sound bad to me!!!

So is anyone out there getting any promising tone from a more aggressive distortion box with a Blues Jr.?

The BSIAB II sounds great in Most Fender amps. I never used it in a Blues Jr. But my Champ 12 is very close to the Jr. in size and output. . The Pedal is very aggressive (Think cranked Marshall) It's avilable atgeneral guitar gadgets As a homebrew or already together. Check out the sound clips on the page.

Here is a short clip I did using a Blues Jr and a Barber Direct drive with gain set high, My Guitar is a PRS McCarty with a C5 in the bridge! All guitar tones are from the Direct Drive!

Barber Direct Drive with Blues Jr

The DOD Big Pig sounds pretty good, though probably not as good as some of the more quot;boutiquequot; distortion pedals. I've never found a pedal the Blues Jr didn't like.

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