
I figured out that my picking hand starts breaking down and getting sloppy at about 85 bpm doing 16th notes. I'm not talking about tremelo picking one string as I can do that much faster I'm saying playing note for note running scales up and down the fretboard and such. I was doing some scale exercises that wanted me to play at 100bpm playing 16th notes and picking each note and I couldn't get past 85. After 85 I have to start doing hammer-ons and pull-offs. I've been trying to get my pick speed up as some of my favorite guitar plays seem to be able to speed pick like its nothing. Anyone have any tips... and also whats your pick breaking point?

I am also trying to increase my speed and accuracy. I've been practicing scales and patterns for about an hour a day for the past 4 months, and seem to be stuck at around the same point (85-90 BPM for 16th notes). I am also having a lot of trouble with fast repeating sweep licks. Is there any trick to this?

Originally Posted by GuitarStvIs there any trick to this?

Learn to play legato style very well.

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