
I have a custom guitar project that I am working to finish. Currently there is no hardware actually in the guitar. The project is a neck through, walnut body, zebra wood top and head, 24 fret ebony finger board, dual humbucker setup. There are 2 pot holes and 1 spot for a toggle. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on how I wire up the pups. I have a jazz for the neck, and a custom for the bridge. I am open to using push/pull pots or even dual concentric pots to open up options. I am interested in splitting the coils. The toggle switch could be used for pickup switching, with an on/on/on configuration (front/both/back), or I could use pots for blending. I really don't know yet.

All suggestions and wiring diagrams are appreciated! Thanks! My website is down right now (damn crackers), otherwise I would post some pics.



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