
Do i need another OD/dist pedal...I've been in between yes and no for too long now so I'm gonna ask for your advice. I'm totally satified with my low classic overdrive tone for playing bluesrock, classic rock, and most rhythm parts in all lower gain music.

But lately I started going back and listen to more 80's hard rock, ala. Guns n' Roses and such, again and of course play a little more hard rock also. So I would from time to time need something to kick in more dist with. Since I play mostly at home and I'm hopefully moving into an apartment in about a month, I can't just crank my Bluesbreaker without neighbours going nuts

What do you guys recommend? I have a few alternatives already...but I won't reveal them cause that might affect your recommendations. A little help to you might be that I'd like something that doesn't compress my sound, and btw. no metal gain...just hard rock gain.

For what you tell I have a Marshall Guv'nor II pedal which suits me perfectly well.

It delivers me that classic marshall distorsion that I like whenever I want to strum some power chords a la AC/DC. I am sure it can also do the Guns n' Roses job.


Gotta bump it... Where are all you crazy distbox buyers?

It would definately mean more working with your tone but have you considered buying a pedal predominately for the sounds that you're happy with and using your 808 for your boost/harder sounds? I'd recommend a Carl Martin Crunch Drive. Just a thought.

I'm not sure that I followed what you meant. But I did consider using the 808 as a boost for solos and such when playing harder stuff... while playing lower gain stuff I could use the volume pot on the guitar for more volume when soloing which I think works really well since the 808 cleans up well while rolling down the volume. I could use a little tighter low-end when playing harder rock...since my setup has a quite loose low-end as it is now, which I like for the lighter stuff but when overdriving more there's a risk that it would sound a little too muddy. Keep the suggestions coming!

The only way you're going to get a good, crunchy, responsive and not squashing overdrive is to overdrive the pre/power amp sections of a tube amplifier.

As fancy as pedals and effects have become, there's still no substitue for a dimed amp.

As far as a non compressing overdrive, try the Barber Direct Drive.
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