
How does an A2Pn sound in a semi hollow? Is it well suited for it?

It should be a good choice, much like the Seth Lover is great in Simi's-- so should the A-2Pro plus you'll get that quot;Sweet-child-o-minequot;- lead tone as a bonus!

It should be a winner!!!!

I'm not so sure that I agree. I don't know for sure, I haven't tried it, but it seems like it might be too dark in the neck. I opted to go with a '59 in the neck of my semi-hollow.

I'd be a little concerned too, but only if the guitar is on the darker side tonewise. The AP-II is a warmer tone but cuts well and doesn't tend to get muddy.

how is it for jazz tones?

I think it would work, as it seems to be pretty articulate -- SD thinks so, too, according to their new website descriptions. The Seth Lover works well, too, and that's what I have in my semi-hollow ES-137. But I really like the APH-1 in the neck of my LP Studio, which isn't a particularly bright guitar.

I have a Alnico II pro neck in my semi-hollow. It's a very balanced PuP. I get
a fat blues tone from it and a nice warm round Jazz tone. I haven't tryed it
with some heavy O.D. (power chords) But I think it would excel there to?

I own a gibson les paul and a epiphone les paul and in both guitars I use anico II pro's,
I only have a little tone difference on the neck pickups, the one in my epiphone seems a little darker , maybe thats because the guitar has no maple flame top ,.. correct me if I'm wrong

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