
Everyone I'm looking to buy a vintage EVH from someone to cop Eddie van Halen'stoneeeee come on i need help here

Dude, I'm sorry, but shut the hell up already. Give your posts more than the 2 hours you've been a member here. One post is all you need for a topic. Let it ride for a day, and if it falls to the bottom of the page, just bump it up. Stop wasting our precious bandwidth with these redundant posts.

Originally Posted by juppiterjazz921Everyone I'm looking to buy a vintage EVH from someone to cop Eddie van Halen'stoneeeee come on i need help here

Call up the Duncan Custom Shop or go with a Custom Custom. Whatever you do, please limit the number of threads you start about the same topic.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Dude, I'm sorry, but shut the hell up already. .


Originally Posted by juppiterjazz921Everyone I'm looking to buy a vintage EVH from someone to cop Eddie van Halen'stoneeeee come on i need help here

If you get one from the custom shop expect to wait a while!

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Dude, I'm sorry, but shut the hell up alreadyOriginally Posted by DocrockLOVE IT!

Hey, at least he nice about being rude as hell!

I don't believe the EVH pup stands for a signature Eddie Van Halen. It is a '78 Model (for Evenly Voiced Harmonics) Humbucker. He used a modified JB I believe. I am thinking you have to call the custom shop and ask to have a pup wound to his specs. Plus, I too have heard it takes a while.

Here is one on ebay

from : localhost/;rd=1

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