If so how was it? I'm talking in alder or other brighter sounding axes!
I only tried in pararallel and split mode in the neck of a mahogany guitar. The results weren't so sactisfactory since, in the neck spot, the JB it's very dark sounding and no so clear. The split mode it isn't as stratty as it's in the bridge, in fact it isn't stratty at all... .
A JB came factory in the neck of my Jackson SL-4. The guitar is neck through with ash wings. To tell you the truth, it wasnt half bad in the neck. You will have a problem getting cleans out of it though.
i used to have an old jackson rhodes, white with blk pin stripes, that had a jb in the neck and a distortion in the bridge. great metal guitar, not the best cleans until i installed a push/pull to split the coils but a great guitar. i used the jb in the neck for leads all the time, big fat tone
I had a JB in the neck of my Epi paired with a Dimebucker in the bridge. The JB just has such sweet lead tones, that neck pup just sings. Thing is it is a bit hot for the neck, so I did wind up taking it out. Now it resides happily in the bridge.
the neat thing about the JB neck is when you switch to the notched position.
I LOOOVE the JB in the neck of my dinky. HUge , thick tone, cleans are a bit dark. With the wrong finger or ampp setting it can be a bit nuddy. But it WAIIIILS like a banshee, and split most people can´t tell the difference to a real single coil. THE perfect neck pickup, at least in that guitar
Guitar is alder, maple/rosewood, 22 frets, vintage trem flat on the body.
Use it in 2 mahogany guitars (one a LP studio) , angelic strat split clean and under gain, full on G moore take thbastard tone in HB mode. Took me a long time and a lot of combos to get there, but I've never taken them out again.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Anyone ever tried a JB in the neck position?