Even though I lean toward strats, I have to say that some of my favorite tones came from Duane Allman live (both on Fillmore East and Eat A Peach). His tone was different live; I think because he used Fenders in the studio and Marshall's on the live album. I don't think he used any effects, just drive on the amp. ****y Betts live with the Allman's sounded much cleaner. But Duane's sounded much hotter and fatter. Any comments?Sincerely,
****ey used 100w marshalls and usually a gold top
duane used 50w marshalls and either a sg or tobacco burst lp. duane is the man.
My oldest brother seen Duane when he was in the Allman Joys (pre abb) and at that time he played through a Fender Twin or Super and that his tone was awesome. He said he played a Les Paul amp; a Strat.
One key to Duane's tone was he is said to have used JBL speakers in his
Marshall cabs. Another one of his studio tricks according to the late/great
producer Tom Dowd, Is that Duane would collect dying 9 volt batteries
and use them in his Fuzz face. But with the Fuzz off? If you listen to the
stuff he did as a studio Ace for Fane studio's in Mussel Shoals, AL. Most
was recorded with his 54' Strat and a BF Twin w/t JBLs
those d120's are beefy sounding speakers
I get pretty close to Duane with a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue, vintage speaker, NOS tubes and just cranking the heck out of it with a Les Paul.
Those amps take on a totally different sound when you start getting them to push.
LOL!! I love how Bett's name is censored in here!!
Originally Posted by jeremy****ey used 100w marshalls and usually a gold top
duane used 50w marshalls and either a sg or tobacco burst lp. duane is the man.
Right on the money! In addition to a 4X12quot; with the JBL's. he also had a bass cab in the setup (he did have a pretty punchy low-end), and I think I read somewhere that he even had his LP pickups rewound. He used an SG for slide a fair amount too.
I thought there was a Fender Champ in there somewhere...or am I confusing it with the Layla sessions???
Duane is the man for sure, Tom Dowd is as well.
Originally Posted by DaveI thought there was a Fender Champ in there somewhere...or am I confusing it with the Layla sessions???
Duane is the man for sure, Tom Dowd is as well.
Yes, That was the Lalya session. According to Mr. Dowd ,Clapton used
a Tweed Champ and Duane used a BF Princeton.
Keep in mind that Duanne is one of the few that discovered the magic of the LP mini pup- Especically on the neck-Normally you have to notch an LP to get those cutting tones-
He also played standard tuning- Probalby more psychologoical than anything else, but note choice with standard slide is much 'cleaner'- Of course this is probably just a byproduct of the fact that mutting has to be much tighter with standard tunigs-
My favorite slide player of all times...by far
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Duane Allman's tone