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the singer in my band is slowly but surely building up his own home studio. on friday we're getting the shure drum mic package with the 3 57's and the kick drum mic.

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Hey guys, I'm getting ready to swap out the Alnico5 mag in my custom5 for a ceramic bar, making it a Custom.

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I am building a copy of my wolfgang, but I'll be changing the specs a bit. I'll be using just an ash body, instead of basswood. Still have a birdseye maple fretboard, two humbuckers, et.

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So I am replacing the '53 Ant. neck pup in my Tele with either a Jazz or an APH full sized humbucker. Those are my two options. The DC on the Tele Antiquity is 7.6, on the Jazz 8.0, and on the APH 7.1.

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  • Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
  • FS

Looking to get $1500 or around there ( /- $50). Good condition, rarely used, makes for great Christmas gift. Will include Certificate of Authenticity and two complimentary butter knives.

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I have a Warmoth carved top VW with a hollow mahogany body with a 5/8quot; quilt maple top.

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I am considering picking up a '58 korina explorer reissuie Epi, and I know right off the bat that I want to upgrade the pups to Duncans, which would sound best, the '59s, Seths or antiquities? or ???????

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I could swear someone on the forum owns or owned one. Any idea who?

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I found someone selling a guitar online. a 1991 Ibanez RG770 in GREAT condition. How should i buy it from this guy? What are some safe ways?

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Yes, the only thing I want to ask about power chords is if there is certain quot;rulesquot; about which fingers to use? for example if I want to play this power chord:

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I pulled out the old Artist this morning. It's probably an AR50. The neck pup is probably a stock 1980 Ibanez pup. The scant 'net research I did suggests it's a Super 70 or Super 58. The low strings are muddy and soft, the high strings are thin and icepicky. I tried raising and lowering the pup, and raising and lowering the polepieces, none of which seemed to help. If there is a way to brighten up the low strings and fatten up the high strings with polepiece and height adjustments, should the polepieces go up or down, and should the pup go up or down?

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My buddy/coworker is interested in this:

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I think that's what it's called. Something to do with the Chicago sound. A Bassman has come up and I'm thinknig about buying it. The guy selling it says it has the mod but doesn't relly know what it is. I guess the guy who owned it before did it or something. The only thing he could tell me was that it's only on channel 1.

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Hey all –

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Which one is your favorite? and why? Also which do you prefer?

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I have a regular wound SD A2 single coil pickup to use in the neck of my strat. I was gonna use a Fender American Standard pickup in the middle with a C5 in the bridge. My question is, do I need to use the RWRP 'middle' strat pickup to get humcanceling, or are the 'regular' Fender SC's RWRP in relationship to the SDs? I was thinking that I would have to use the Fender RWRP, but maybe have to switch the live and ground wires for phase issues, but I'm not sure.

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How do you wire up a blender pot.A diagram rather than a schematic would help.

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Revision.........make me a REASONABLE offer.

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Yeah, I was just browsing through ebay and a Fender Esquire popped up. So let's see, it's all Mahogany except for the fretboard....It has 22 Jumbo frets, string through body, 1 volume, a race stripe and a duncan invader in it.

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Is the squier standard strat worth buying to mod and experiment with. I really like it over the mex strat except for the agathis body wood. Anyone know about it? i know its not the best of woods.

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