Yes, the only thing I want to ask about power chords is if there is certain quot;rulesquot; about which fingers to use? for example if I want to play this power chord:
When I play it, I put my first finger on the 7th fret on the low E, and my pinky on the 9th fret on the A, but I've read that for power chords you normally play with the first finger and the ring finger, but is it quot;wrongquot; to do it with the pinky instead of the ring finger? I'm not good at stretching my fingers, which may have something to do with how I have my thumb behind the neck..I don't know, but as I said, is there any 'rules' about it?
Naw. That's how Hetfield and Hammet play their power chords. It's all good.
I used to play power chords where, in your scenario, my index would be on the 7th fret and my middle finger would be on the 9th fret.
Don't ask how.
Man, I had one ***** of a callus on my middle finger :-/
Yea really what works for you. I bet your pinky is quite strong.
Ideally its pointer and right since that leaves your middle to 8th fret and pinky to the 10th.
when i do it with the pinky it tends to go where it wants, i do mine with 1st and 3rd, unless i cant reach, which isnt often, ive got ginormous hands
I have huge hands (8 inch wrist), and prefer to use index and pinky for powerchords. There's no real rules, though.
Holy sh*t DSS3 that is HUGE!
I have slim fingers about average size, I use my index and ring finger, sometimes my pinky
Index and pinky. I picked that up from Adrian Smith and David Murray (Iron Maiden). If you want to check out awesome technique, watch them live on the Rock in Rio DVD. It'll blow you away, if you can get over the camera changes every 1.5 seconds.
index and pinky
Originally Posted by V-SpotIndex and pinky. I picked that up from Adrian Smith and David Murray (Iron Maiden). If you want to check out awesome technique, watch them live on the Rock in Rio DVD. It'll blow you away, if you can get over the camera changes every 1.5 seconds.
Oh man, I feel your pain there dude. I really don't wanna see Steve play or Bruce run around like a kid, it's not funny. As much as I love em, it's no fun to see. I just wanna see Adrian weave his magic, and Dave do his solo face
...but to be on-topic, I'd play that power chord with my index finger and my ring finger. It's what came naturally. It seems like that to me because if I were to extend that power chord to...
I would keep the same shape with the index on the E and ring finger on the A, but add the pinky on the D string.
Weird, I never use my pinky for stuff like that. One of the reasons people may say it's quot;wrongquot; is because if you do more complex chords you run into trouble. A lot of chords are based off of the basic barre shape and to add a higher interval or add a different quality to a chord you need to lay your pinky down elsewhere.
I do index finger/ring finger for fingering the form you showed. I makes it much easier to make the transition from a power chord to an octave (lift up the index finger). I rarely to root/fifth power chords, I almost always put the octave in there. I will use my index/pinky fingers to do power chords on on the D and G strings, wrap my finger over the low E, and mute the A with my index.
Originally Posted by Robbiedbee...but to be on-topic, I'd play that power chord with my index finger and my ring finger. It's what came naturally. It seems like that to me because if I were to extend that power chord to...
I would keep the same shape with the index on the E and ring finger on the A, but add the pinky on the D string.
I will sometimes barre the a and d strings with my pinky... I've developed a pretty tough little finger...
I also do power chords with the index/ring and index/ring/pinky... Depends on what the song needs and what gets there the fastest...
Originally Posted by XeromusWeird, I never use my pinky for stuff like that. One of the reasons people may say it's quot;wrongquot; is because if you do more complex chords you run into trouble. A lot of chords are based off of the basic barre shape and to add a higher interval or add a different quality to a chord you need to lay your pinky down elsewhere.
I agree. I always saw people use the index/pinky fingers to play power chords, but it always seemed like a bad habit to me. I trained myself from the beginning to use the index/ring fingers. I think for a beginner, it can limit the dexterity and reach of your fingers. It also just seems like bad form.
There is really no standard way to play any chord long as it works and it sounds good. However, I agree with Xeromus that we usually need the pinky to do something else such as playing the 6th and dominant 7th when playing the Blues on top of the power chord. In other words, chord embellishments.
i use index and ring.
I guess I'm a weird duck.. I use my pointer and pinky up until the 9th fret or so, and my pointer and ring finger for the rest.
What I forgot to add is I use index and ring too. I find using the pinky is a bad habit and form and will become an obstacle once you start doing more complex chords.
i used to do index amp; ring, but these days i find myself doing index amp; pinky more, cause it makes it easier to smoothly transition with stuff like this
I play power chords with my index amp; ring finger because it seems to bethe most logical way to me... nahbullsh!t, I'mjust used to it
Btw when I play root-5th-octave I play it with those to fingers too... no need for the pinky there.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Power chords