
OK, I have planned to get into some DIY pedal projects. I'm going to build a Dallas Rangemaster and a headphone amplifier. While I'm ordering parts I want to really make the order worthwhile and get enough stuff for some other projects. I have a DS-1, and I plan to mod it.

What other projects would you recommend for a noobie DIY pedal builder? Could I build a tubescreamer TS808 from scratch or would I be better of the buy a TS-7 and mod it to TS-808 spec's? Can a Rat Pro Co pedal be built from the ground up or a wah?

At this point I need easy builds and projects that are worth while to do.

EDIT: Yes, I know about,, small bear electronics, and mouser electronics. Aarons and a few others.

are u familiar with BYOC?

the sell fullkits or parts. i build a Fuzz before and am currently using it. knew it from Mike after he build a TS clone. the owner , Keith, is friendly and answers questions well and fast.

Originally Posted by pac112are u familiar with BYOC?

the sell fullkits or parts. i build a Fuzz before and am currently using it. knew it from Mike after he build a TS clone. the owner , Keith, is friendly and answers questions well and fast.

yes. i'm familiar with them. are all their clones worthwhile builds? You're right. I should look around on the site and and see what they have in the easy category.

Are the delays, phasers, flangers easy builds and are they as good as the real things?

Originally Posted by Guitar Toadyes. i'm familiar with them. are all their clones worthwhile builds? You're right. I should look around on the site and and see what they have in the easy category.

Are the delays, phasers, flangers easy builds and are they as good as the real things?

to be honest i can only commend on the Fuzz from them. cos thats the only pedal i did from BYOC. i like how it sounds, the improvement i wish is that it has more range for the Fuzziness control.

Originally Posted by pac112to be honest i can only commend on the Fuzz from them. cos thats the only pedal i did from BYOC. i like how it sounds, the improvement i wish is that it has more range for the Fuzziness control.

Not knowing any better, I would think that the fuzziness range control could be modified by using a different control pot than the one that's in the kit. You should continue modifying and tweaking that Fuzz until you get it to exactly what you want it to do as much as that is possible.

i'm ordering the tweak fuzz from small bear for a beginner project myself...i'll let ya know how it turns out.

Originally Posted by Hossi'm ordering the tweak fuzz from small bear for a beginner project myself...i'll let ya know how it turns out.

Do you mean the TweaK-O?

sure build an TS9 then you can do mods you cannot with a stock pedal..I have a switch in mine to go from Silicon clipping to asym clip (sil amp; germanium) or to cut the diodes out - like hte comp cut switch in the Fulldrive.

Got the schems here:
from : localhost/

Alexa is my TS9..the Tristan is like a dial-a-Rangemaster: it's a fat boost amp; treble boost in 1 pedal, with tone ctrl. It is AWESOME, from fattening up singles to thinning out neck pickups to a nice fat overdrive, it is a super design.

Dave both of those look great! Are those builds offered as kits? I want to build something that will be usable as is and can be subject to on going experimentation.

Both of those look like great builds.

I put together a tremelo clone from BYOC and it is pretty decent. My only complaint is that the speed control only starts to actually change the speed once you get to 5. It stays the same speed from 0-5. I will have no use for it once I get my Twin. It was easy and fun. I would recommend trying one of their pedals. It's fun!!

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadDo you mean the TweaK-O?

yeah the tweak o ...

Hey Todd. I know you've picked my brain enough so I'll give you a few ideas.

Try the Beginner Project on Aron's Stompbox forum. It's a booster, but good learning tool. A step by step photo tutorial is included.

Several of my projects are really simple. Marsha Valve being the simplest. It's a booster, but it's my favorite. I know you've already seen 'em but the two overdrives I have too are fairly easy.

Start out slow. A TS9 or 808 from scratch is a lot for someone just starting out. Sure, you could do it with BYOC bit IMO, that's just quot;painting by numbersquot;. You're not learning anything about the circuit and why that part is important and what each stage does or how does changing this cap or resistor affect the sound. And perf your first few circuits.

If you can snag some TS5's or TS7's for cheap, go for it. They can easily be modded to TS9 or 808 specs. Lots of fun to be had there and with the quot;Technology of the Tube Screamerquot; on from : localhost/you'll get an understanding of the ciruit and be able to make those babies sound great.

Erik, I had bugged you enough and I was going to leave you alone. You are a great help and resource. I'm sure I have enough information and projects to get started.

Between the Rangemaster, TweakO, the Marsha valve, Dave Z's Alexa and Tristan, I have plenty to wet my appetite and choose from.

Thanks for the many great suggestions.

No bother, bro. I enjoy this stuff. Last night I watched the news and swapped JFETs in my Marsha Valve build...LOL. I got a J201 in it now and I like it better now than with the NTE458 (which is higher gain). The lower gain J201 is just perfect. The J201 still has some gain, but is higher than MPF102's and 2n5457's, but lower than the NTE458. The NTE458 is massive gain.

And did you honestly think I would stay out of a thread about DIY pedals? LOL

Hehe J201's are nice
Just modded my Boutique TS-style pedal with some of those...

Is that possible to mode one of that TONELOOK series TS7 to a ts808 ?!!?

I built the other guitarist in my band a TS type pedal from scratch and then tweaked it...Came out great and sounds every bit as good as my own modded TS 808! Did the copy off the General Guitar Gadgets website and it worked flawlessly right away for us!

Gonna check that General Guitar gadgets site. thank´s Stratdeluxer.

Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONGonna check that General Guitar gadgets site. thank´s Stratdeluxer.

JD's diagrams are great and his pedals work well....I make my own boards,but you can buy the boards off JD's website reasonable...I've built his Blue Magic,BSIAB,TS,RAT,and his Buffer and all worked great..They all still work also.

I've made a BYOC chorus and compressor. I'm very impressed with the compressor, though the chorus is a little low in the headroom department. Both great-sounding pedals though.

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