So the latest plan is to keep my Candy Apple red Tex-Mex Tele in its entirely, but to convert it from a Fat Tele into a slightly permuted Nashville Tele, so I'll be buying a new pickguard to accomadate two Strat pickups rather than the single HB slot in the current white/black/white one.
Now, the finish on this body has not aged very gracefully. Owing, as far as I can tell, to a paint finish applied before the wood was sufficiently dry, there is a dark splotchiness to the finish all over the body, though it is not uniformly dispersed. Because of this bit of wierdness, I'm thinking that I should go with a non-white guard in order to play up an aged look. I've seen Mint Green used to such effect, but never on Red, so I don't know how they might interact. Parchment seems the next best contender, as it literally *is* aged white. Black and Tortoise seem the other obvious choices, but I'd need some convincing there...
I really dig the look of a red w/ tortoise guitar. There's something extremely classy about it!
White Pearl. Trust me...
Originally Posted by LewguitarWhite Pearl. Trust me...
Pimp !
But I'm saving white pearl for the Surf Green P-bass! :POriginally Posted by LewguitarWhite Pearl. Trust me...
Yeah, white pearl or aged white pearl. Don't do tortoise, there are very few guitars it looks good on, IMO.
1 for white pearl.
What color are the pickups?
Tortoiseshell is my favorite with aged white pickups/knobs, but I'm not too keen on it on red.
The bridge pup is traditional black; the middle pup is a white Duckbucker; the neck is a black Vintage Rails. If I went with pearl, I'd almost certainly go with a cream or aged pearl. Remember, I want to play up the aged look (since I can't do anything to undo the bizarre aging its already got). Also, I don't want any of the pickups to disappear into the pickguard visually, so something off-white seems the best choice to me.
I don't like tortoise on red, either, though I love it on black, white and burst. I figured I'd throw it out as *a* choice, even if it's clearly the wrong one...
A pearl of some sort is now in the running, I suppose, but I do keep comign back to the two flat off-white options: mint and parchment. Has anyone ever seen Mint on red?
i was gonna say white pearl as soon as i saw the thread title .. i am glad the experts beat me to it
good luck
How about this:
#1 is Pearloid amp; is celluloid #2 is Vintage Pearl amp; is vinylCheck out the others...
from : localhost/
I'm really starting to think about that vintage pearl.
Vintage pearl!
I'd go with 3 ply black with black pickup covers. Black and candy apple always looks good.
Another vote for black. My MIM Strat was Satin Candy Apple Red with a black pickguard and looked real purty.
not a fan of white pearl...
Am I the only one who cannot tell the difference between white, parchment, and mint green? Why the f*ck do they call it mint green
Anyways. Mint green white black white 3 ply
Originally Posted by GearjoneserI'd go with 3 ply black with black pickup covers. Black and candy apple always looks good. 1 Seymour's Tele is red with a black pickguard, ever since i saw that, i've been hooked on that look. (Or so i believe)
White. Here's mine:Although, I still have the original tortoise shell guard. Some day, I may route it out for the mini HB. It's a good 2nd choice.
Rich, that photo makes it look like yours might have the same spotchiness that mine has developed. Does it? What is it? I haven't seen that problem on any other guitar that I own or that came into the store when I worked in MI sales.
White Pearl.
Tortoise only looks good on sunburst Jazz basses.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
What pickguard color for a Candy Apple Red Tele?