
I found a Gibson Les Paul Pro ( black ) with P90s, from 1978. It is in excellent condition. The seller is asking $1600 for it, and I countered asking to include shipping and tax in that amount. My kinda questionable buyer's guide says $1600 is the top end for an excellent specimen. I got GAS really bad. Aside from the inevitable TUMS comments, can anyone add anything positive ?

Cool if you're looking for a 15 pound guitar...

I personally wouldn't...

Originally Posted by The Golden BoyCool if you're looking for a 15 pound guitar...

I personally wouldn't...

Good tip golden boy. While I'm at it, I'll toss my vintage 59 LP too. It's also kinda heavy.

Originally Posted by MVIGood tip golden boy. While I'm at it, I'll toss my vintage 59 LP too. It's also kinda heavy.

I'm not too sure of the way you meant that(damned internet) but if I am taking that the right way thats a sarcastic remark. And I am sure that Golden Boy meant no offence by his statement, plus he even said it was his own opinion.

Any LP Pro I've played has been uncomfortably heavy. We're not talking about the best wood selection in Gibson's history. OK, I was exaggerating with the 15 pound remark. More than likely in the 12-13 pound range. There's a lot of difference in that and a 8-9 lb 52-60 LP.

They are heavy, but nice guitars. That's a lot of money but if it works for you, go for it!

I personally would HAVE to play anything made in the norlin era...they tend to be either $hit or shine-ola...very few inbetweens. And yes. heavy in general...maple necks don't help.

My '78 LP Pro weighs in at 9.75 lbs. I've seen Historics that weigh that much. I love my Pro. The market for these guitars in particular is going up. The Pros are a little special due to the P90s and ebony fretboards that were standard. $1600 is right on the top end right now, but you'll see the price rise in the future. got any pics of that one?

Yup! Here's a couple...

When I had a set of Duncan P90s installed (Vintage neck and Custom bridge)
With a set of Lawrence L-560 minihummers, its current config
let me ask you this...are those pancake bodies like Deluxes or not? Also...what do you think of the L-560's?

oooooooooooooooooo......thats purrrrrddddyyyyy

Nice paula ALF. How do you like those minis?

Nah, they dropped the pancake bodies by this time. Mine's a one-piece mahogany body, three-piece maple top.

The L-560s are the best pickups I've had in this guitar so far. They are both clear and wiry sounding, just the way I like 'em! The neck is still very full-bodied and the bridge is thinner but by no means wimpy. They kinda sound like great big Tele pickups, very cool. I've got them wired to a RS Guitarworks electronincs kit, wired up 50s style. It's a killer!

I've wanted one of those for the longest time! As to the heaviness theory, I've got two Norlin gibby's (see below), and while they CAN get a little heavy, a good padded strap will alleviate this problem.

Originally Posted by Alvin Lee FanMy '78 LP Pro weighs in at 9.75 lbs. I've seen Historics that weigh that much. I love my Pro. The market for these guitars in particular is going up. The Pros are a little special due to the P90s and ebony fretboards that were standard. $1600 is right on the top end right now, but you'll see the price rise in the future.

A 10 lb LP Pro? Maybe all the duds ended up coming up here, but every one I've had the misfortune of meeting was seriously more than that. I had an '81 Standard that was built like yours, with the one piece body, 3 piece top and 3 piece maple neck. Solid guitar, but it was a boat anchor. As with most any model of guitar from any given year, there's gems. However, as a general rule most Norlin era guitars go for high dollar price tags because they're 1970s Gibsons, not because they're good guitars with desirable features.

Have it chambered... then give it a smaller bass cut away.

While you're at it make it Blackburst.

Originally Posted by LSPHave it chambered... then give it a smaller bass cut away.

While you're at it make it Blackburst.

Bad Coconuts man, Bad Coconuts...

I own a 76 Deluxe and i love the Deluxes and Pros of the 70's.... But i try to never pay top dallor for any 70's Gibsons... if they are a good price then hell yes!!!!! They rae still Les Pauls!!!! I'm sure that Pro would have the 3 piece Maple neck? As far as Pancake body i have seen a few 1980 and 81 LP Standards with Pancake bodies.... Maybe that Pro model has a Pancake body.... My Deluxe does.... It is one heavy guitar!!!! weighs a ton! The neck is extra fat on mine for some reason... I almost find it way too hard to play.... But it is still a guitar i will not sell...

Oneday i want to find another LP Pro or Deluxe in better shape then mine, from a better production year.... I think the 1999-2002 Reissues of the Deluxes are best quality Deluxe to date! I'd love to fine a stock Deluxe from the early to mid 70's Goldtop or Red Sunburst, Mahogany neck version oneday.... My Deluxe is a Brown Sunbust and is so bright sounding it almost sounds like a tele!!!!! But it is the guitar model for a Who fan!!!! Pete Townshend used 10 Deluxes in the late 70's.... Most with Maple necks. He used Maroon coloured, Goldtops and Red Sunbursts the most.. I only have one photo of him using a Brown Sunburst one..... It was from the early 79 tour and had Number 8 sticker on it.... i assume it was smashed early on the tour as it was not seen again in his hands... By the time he played Chicago in Dec 79 his Number 8 guitar was a red sunburst model.... In the early to Mid 70's Pete used Goldtop all mahogany Deluxes...

If i can find either Deluxe or a Pro for a good price it will be mine! but $1600 sounds way too high for me.. In Canadian money the Toronto vintage shops are trying to charge up to $2400 for 70's Standards, Deluxes, and Pros... forget that.... A new LP can be had for $2400 Canadian and they are a much better LP!!!! Find a slightly used late 90's model and they are$1700 or so.... Even the local shop has a bunch of 1960 models for $1999.... trying to unload them.

Originally Posted by The Golden BoyBad Coconuts man, Bad Coconuts...

That thing rubs on you een on a subconscious level... AH! who am I kidding, you figured me out. I'm trying to convert each and every one of you

Funny thing, I've been trying to find info on BC and I can't find a single pic, let alone some history. Any sites you know of?

Originally Posted by LSPThat thing rubs on you een on a subconscious level... AH! who am I kidding, you figured me out. I'm trying to convert each and every one of you

Funny thing, I've been trying to find info on BC and I can't find a single pic, let alone some history. Any sites you know of?

Search function is down at the LPF.

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