Ive never had a guitar professionally set up before. I do ok intonating, setting action, replacing pickups etc. A pro set up costs $100-200 in my area and since my financial resources are very limited, (im currently working 3 jobs to take care of my family) if I manage to put $100 aside, I feel I should use it for something lasting and tangable like a pedal or tubes. However, Ive heard that a pro set up and fret dress and all makes a guitar play like a dream. Is this a good investment?
Depends how well you set up your guitar yourself. If you only do an OK job, then yes, it's worth the money. Luthiers can make guitars play like new! If you're satisfied with the way your guitar plays, save your money for something else.
I've had similar questions. Took my strat in, thinking it's gonna be in loving pro hands. It came back and was no better... But i think the guy who did it takes no pride and only worries about the setup of his bong...
I'd say 100 dollars would be better spent on a good how-to book on the subject.
But then again if it's superbly done, i believe it can be lovely, until the weather changes.
I had my strat prefeesionaly setup a few months ago and it plays better then it ever has. I would make shure that who ever does it is has a good reputaion.
A pro set up can do wonders, but as the other said, only if they know what they're doing. Unfortunately sometimes the only way to find out is to take the plunge and risk wasting the money. If there's someone close that you've heard a lot of great things about from experienced players, I'd definitely go for it. Without knowing the reputation, you have to decide if it's worth the risk. A good job is definitely worth the money, though.
WOW! it costs that much? maybe I'm in the wrong business!
$100 is way high for a setup. Around these parts, you can get a fret level and new nut for $150!
Originally Posted by aleclee$100 is way high for a setup. Around these parts, you can get a fret level and new nut for $150!
I had the frets on my strat leveled and polished, the action set, and a graphite nut put on and it cost me less than $70.
Dan Erlewine's quot;How to Make Your Electric Guitar Play Greatquot; is a good book to learn more about doing setups. It's highly praised around here also. I've been doing setups myself and my guitars are fine. The only thing I haven't touched are fret dressing and making nuts and that kind of stuff, and the book doesn't deal with that.
I took it to a local tech once (first time I ever tried him out), and the fret leveling was alright, but otherwise he didn't seem to be a great tech. He kept insisting that different value pots make no difference in the sound. It was $100 for a fret level and dress and a setup. That was actually the lowest price I could find around my area. But I think next time I'll go somewhere else, even though I gotta pay more.
it depends...do you like the way the guitar plays when you set it up? that should be the first question...if you said yes, then you don't need a pro setup. if something is quot;missingquot; and just doesn't feel right then perhaps a pro setup would help. i tried a few local techs and luthiers 'til i found one i like and trust who is also a nice guy (a bonus) and even then i tend to tinker with my guitar after i get it back from a setup since no one knows your hands and what you like like you the owner/player does. i usally do my own setups just how i like them but when i hit a snag with a string buzz or need a fret level etc, then right to my luthier they will go.
A pro setup can be worth its weight in gold. But you've gotta have it done by someone you trust 110%.
I trust my tech totally - I took my 80's Yamaha SG in, he looked at it, gave the truss rod one tweak and gave it me back. He said thats been setup well before and its as good as its gonna be and can't really get it to play any better. It plays very well by the way!
When I asked him how much the bill was he said zero - I've not done anything. Other techs would have taken the guitar in done next to nothing and taken my £45
This was the second time he's done this for me I had the same senario with a Washburn J6
I've gotten setups that ran upwards of $100 and the work done was easily something I could have accomplished and other times I've spent the cost of a cup of coffee and a donut and the setup was just magnificent.
Don't trust a tech by a price tag. Trust him or her by reputation. Talk to other guitar players and get a feel for how they like their gear and what level of knowledge they have about it. Be an informed consumer.
But for the $100 it's going to cost for a pro setup I'd be inclined to spend it on a book or two and perhaps some Stew-Mac quality tools to learn how to do it myself.
Sometimes the best tech you can have is yourself!
Check out the as many local, semi local music store's as you can and ask them who does their setup's, if it's instore, ask them if there's anyone they recommend. It may be a bit tough to get a phone no. and name from some of them as you'll be cutting out the middle man (them ).
Most music shops aren't going to let a hack do their work.
Once you have a list, hopefully there will be a few guys who do a few stores so check them out. Ask to see their workshop. Btw, if they aren't busy with customer guitar's or at least have a few guitar's there in their workshop, I'd be a bit concerned.
Do a bit of research of setup's and make a list of all the thing's you want them to look at. (make 2 copies of the list). Ask the guy about each question on the list and see that he has to say on all the question's. Leave the list with him.
It might sound a bit anal, but your presenting yourself as someone who's organized and won't take anything less than good work.
A good tech is HARD to find. I know I have looked and looked and I found mine by chance. He made my guitars play like they never had before, and that was without fret leveling or anything! He burnished the frets, oiled the board and invested the time necessary to make it play great. It cost about 20-30 bucks.
When I took my Heritage to him and he didn't have my pups just right for my taste, or the action quite low enough I knew that I could start doing my own setups. He had been open with his info and taught me a lot, he had even told me I could do this stuff on my own. I had previously had my closest shop do all my work, and learned very quickly they didn't have the best setups on their guitars. Some guys get way to anal about not doing anything to the guitar, and not as interested in playability as they should. A good example is the techs who recommend against nut work b/c you can't put the material back in after you reslot it. HELLO!!! THANK GOODNESS!
Fast forward a year since he did my last set up. Me and him joined up and he taught me more and now I tech for him on a part time basis out of his now defunct guitar shop. $40 for a whatever ails the set up, oiling, cleaning, intonating, and restring. $60 if it's got a floyd.
Where are you people going that charges you $100 for a set-up? That is insane. Most places here charge $40 - 50.
For me, the convenience factor is the key. I can do a good set-up myself, but it usually takes me the better part of an afternoon, and it's rare for me to have that much time on my hands. Since the tech does half a dozen setups a day, he is much quicker than me. If he's not too busy, I can usually drop the guitar off, go grocery shopping, and pick it up when I'm done. Plus, he usually does a better job than I would have. For me, it is worth the cash.
I think if you go for a true fret job, nut reslotting, etc. - the whole works - it'll get that high. A basic set up shouldn't, though. $40 is about going rate around here (as Luke stated).
$100 is low here too. Guy guarantees Ill be impressed tho.. He is a builder. Builds the most magnificent accoustics and violins. His accoustics run around $6000. Sustain 3 times longer than a taylor and have amazings inlays and such..
Btw, set up Im talking would be fret dress as well as normal set up.. Im able to do most things. Have the pup height good, intonation is set etc..
A good setup around here can be had for about 60bucks US.
I do all mine myself. Trial and error.
- My old tech i went to charged $40US (he was a good mate)
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
professional set up, worth the money?