I love the feel of this axe but I'm just not happy with the pups. Its an american standard model with maple neck. Currently I'm playing it through a fender cyber twin se. I'm mostly a blues/ classic rock player. Usually I play Cream, Clapton, Knopfler, Bad Company, etc.. when we play live. What would be some possible pup combos to consider to put in this guitar?
If I ever swap the pickups in my Wolfgang, it will be for a CC/APH-1 combo.
I just swapped the pups in my wolfie and went with the Virtual Vintage PAF in the neck and Virtual Hot PAF bridge from Dimarzio. I swear this is the best combo for a wolf that I have tried. I tried a 59, jb, PA Blues, C5, Air Zone, Air Norton and nothing touches these. Very open sounding and versitle, you won't be disappointed.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Wolfgang pup swap advice need