
Hi guys, I recorded some Creeping Death by Metallica. Hope you guys like this one, I worked on it for some time now. BTW its the creeping death at the top, the newest one, not the old ones. Heres the link:
from : localhost/


Hey Guy -

That's pretty darn good for being 13 and only having played for one year. You should just work on making your timing consistent and smoothing out your solos a bit.

One more thing, on the 0-0-2-0-0-2-0-2-0-2-0-2-3-2-3-2-0 part, work on your hammer ons and pull offs on the last 6 notes. I learned this song a while back and playing it up to full speed was difficult at first, but just play the downpicking with the h and p's faster and faster and you'll nail it.

All in all, I'm pretty impressed considering how long you've played. I'd also like to hear you make an original song sometime because that's when all the styles someone has learned come together. I started just like you did with only covers (mostly Metallica and Megadeth) but I've found my greatest satisfaction in creating original music. I'm not the best guitarist, but I've learned to write tasty riffs and that's enough to make me content.Thank you very much. I'll work on the pull offs and hammer ons part, and the timing. I am doing a retake o nthe solo, its going to be up in like 10 minutes. I tried writing a song, and I made one, but I'm a little out of ideas. Maybe it will come with time, who knows....Thanks for the post.

Well friend since you asked me to write a review i ll do it . Its good that you started soon (13). Well, lets go : The riffs are good just work on the hammers like funky said and try to focus on the beat so you can get the riffs perfect on time you are almost there... The solo is where you are going to have to work a lot. You ve learned the notes, first step OK. Practice the pentatonic scales both legato and staccato and play SLOWLY at a speed you can make the runs sound smooth and all the notes ith the right duration... then gradually increase the tempo and you ll be able to play the runs. Second and most important work on the vibrato and bends(try to get the notes to sound on tune(when bending) and hold them for the right duration using vibrato(listen to song and compare)! Those are VERY important guitar techniques that sometimes people neglect in favor of just trying to get speed, but these are the two thing that will make you sound good : Good Vibrato and accurate bends! Overall you are doing well!! Metallica is not easy Good luck man and keep playing !!!!!!!!!!

Pretty cool. Now - quit with the covers and start doing your own. You'll be surprised you make up better riffs than they do in no time. May not get you signed, but at least you can take the credit. You got the technique down; string 5 or six original riffs together and give it a name.

thanks alot guys. rei, I'll do as you say about the solo, however the bends are because I have old and rusty strings, same with the vibrato. Dankerella, I know, I know, I gotta start with the originals, however I dont have any ideas, or a theory on how to write a nice ,metal riff. If you could help me, or anyone else, that would be great!

Originally Posted by g123thanks alot guys. rei, I'll do as you say about the solo, however the bends are because I have old and rusty strings, same with the vibrato. Dankerella, I know, I know, I gotta start with the originals, however I dont have any ideas, or a theory on how to write a nice ,metal riff. If you could help me, or anyone else, that would be great!

One great trick I use: record any riff you make up. When I sit down, I just start noodling around. In the beginning, it would be noodling with a Megadeth or Metallica riff and some scales. Somewhere in the midst of all that, a new riff would emerge - record it (or save it) any way you can - on the computer, your voice mail, tab it out, etc. These days when I noodle, it's all my own riffs; not that I'm better than these other blokes, but I'm drawn to the ones I've made up and they inspire me more, and feed my imagination more.

Me and my guitarist friends always forget our favorite riffs, no matter how cool they were at the time they were made up. Keep them in a safe place, and keep building up the arsenal. In a few months or a year you'll be so surprised at how weird and foreign they sound. And how some link together so wonderfully. I think your brain keeps making up riffs in your sleep, and finds ways to tie them together. Once you have a bunch, you can string them together, as long as the tempo is fairly similar. Steal some tricks from your favorite bands - not riffs, but how to change from riff to riff with dead stops, cymbol-type stops, a tom roll, a pick slide, etc.

Also, it sounded like you were programming drums. Program a simple beat and just start chunking on E. Start simple, with adding a chord here, a chord there. Three notes in succession, then four. Don't worry about being in key or **** like that - just let your brain go. If you start playing some other bands' riffs, so be it, yours will still be in there somewhere too. Record the whole session - don't critique it right away - come back after a few days and give a listen. Probably some new riffs in there, or at least the backbone of a grand one....

Yikes you guys......It's a good way to learn doing covers. Pretty good for 13! You got plenty of time to grow as a guitar player. HAVE FUN! Thats what it's all about. Practice Practice, Practice. Do some finger excersises(DAILY). Make your own scales!! If you don't want to learn them. What sounds good sounds good. What sounds like garbage....yada yada yada. You get the point. Also you want great chops?! Get a classical Nylon String Acoustic or something that is difficult to fret and make that sound good. I do these mock scales on my acoustic while watching T.V or taking a POOP and I can nimbly get around the fretboard when I just WANK so to speak. It's all a matter of anyones taste and style anyhow. HAVE FUN with it.

Originally Posted by HarrisonDavidYikes you guys......It's a good way to learn doing covers. Pretty good for 13! You got plenty of time to grow as a guitar player. HAVE FUN! Thats what it's all about. Practice Practice, Practice. Do some finger excersises(DAILY). Make your own scales!! If you don't want to learn them. What sounds good sounds good. What sounds like garbage....yada yada yada. You get the point. Also you want great chops?! Get a classical Nylon String Acoustic or something that is difficult to fret and make that sound good. I do these mock scales on my acoustic while watching T.V or taking a POOP and I can nimbly get around the fretboard when I just WANK so to speak. It's all a matter of anyones taste and style anyhow. HAVE FUN with it.

Oh yeah I write guitar riffs that make satan run for cover!! And the most utterly stupid Satanic band sound like Greenday!!

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