
do you guys have places you've taken or have had friends take guitars to get painted other than a guitar shop ?? or does anyone know ways to paint guitars without havin to send them into a guitar shop ?

car customisers can do the job too.

what kinda cost vs a guitar shop would an auto-body shop do this for ? would it be a problem for them if the neck ( not headstock ) was bound ?

Be careful with binding,some of the chemicals they use in auto finishing can eat binding.

i see..maybe ill just end up painting it myself could be fun i guess~

First off-what kind of guitar is it?This will determine the finish type.Also-do you just want to change the colour?
Also check out the finishing primer on reranch.I think the link is
from : localhost//

its a mahogany body..there is ZERO paint on it like it a really nice clean white ( almost like what bleach is supposed to do to clothes )..none of that vintage stuff

Check out the reranch site,a lot of great info there.

you know i tried that link and it didnt seem to work :-\

Try it on a search.It's probably me screwing up,I'm useless with computers.

Okay,lets try again:

this doesn't work,just type that in.

sweeeeeeeeet works perfect really nice site!!!

This site is pretty amazing...somewhat high prices, but the work looks flawless...

from : localhost/

Originally Posted by GuitaristThis site is pretty amazing...somewhat high prices, but the work looks flawless...

from : localhost/i want many many guitars and much much money to get all of these paintings. That's great work. I regard the prices quite fair. Hope I can afford at least one of these one day.

from : localhost/that if you fancy getting a great DIY job on it

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