Hi guys,
My invader bridge got here today, I instaled it and first impresion is quot;what an amazing pupquot;...
I'll post some clips soon...
Not enough Invader clips around here...I know I had hard time finding any when I was deciding which pup to get..
cool glad you like it, i installed one on my friends yamaha pacifica not so long ago and its a great sounding pickup, though not so much for cleans
It works great on cleans here, if you set it up properly...
It has that pronounced quot;honkquot; in mids which I just love...
Also it is very dynamic and responsive pup...
It has plenty of bass, but only if you want it...
what does the invader sound like split?
Here's a cool Invader thing that gets overlooked a lot... dial in a sh*t load of distortion, and experiment with rolling back the volume knob. Lots of great tones are hidden there
Originally Posted by JB_From_HellHere's a cool Invader thing that gets overlooked a lot... dial in a sh*t load of distortion, and experiment with rolling back the volume knob. Lots of great tones are hidden there
Hmmmm, thats maybe why the Invader has not jived with me. I didnt think about rolling the volume.
Originally Posted by theodieHmmmm, thats maybe why the Invader has not jived with me. I didnt think about rolling the volume.
I always think pickups sound like sh*t with the volume lower than 10, but have had good results with this one.
got my invader put in last week, and i love it so far.
Bringing this one up a bit. Just got my filthy hands on one of these pups, wondering if it´s a good idea to put it in my Epiphone Les Paul? Alder body and all that, we tune down to B. My question is: will it be quot;muddyquot; in this tuning? Thinking that since there are sevenstring versions of the Invader it would sound ok..... or am I wrong? Anyone tried this?
I tryed it in B....sounds ok, but sounds better in C or D...
It will sound great in Alder...but Im afraid Pauls are from Mahog not Alder..
And I dont think Invader would be good in Mahog, it has too strong bass for that...
And about volume, thats the best thing about this pup, it is not as compressed as Distortion for example, you can really use the volume knob..
Originally Posted by SludgecoreBringing this one up a bit. Just got my filthy hands on one of these pups, wondering if it´s a good idea to put it in my Epiphone Les Paul? Alder body and all that, we tune down to B. My question is: will it be quot;muddyquot; in this tuning? Thinking that since there are sevenstring versions of the Invader it would sound ok..... or am I wrong? Anyone tried this?
I will vote for muddy in B tuning.
I recently figured out why my Invader sounded good in my Epi Paul... it's alder I frequently tune my Invader guitar way lower than B, and like it.
...I'll post some tonight...with full distortion of course..
Here's a short clip....(sloppy played)
from : localhost/Viper100 with Invader bridge in to POD2.3
Originally Posted by AlexHere's a short clip....(sloppy played)
from : localhost/Viper100 with Invader bridge in to POD2.3
I like the way that sounded!! Maybe I should put an invader in one of my B.C. Rich's.
Awesome Clip ,awesome Distortion
Exactly The Kind Fo Distortion I Love
Hails Porra!!!!
i just stuck one of my invaders in my ibanez destroyer (basswood, maple/rosewood) strung with GHS zakk wylde Lo tune strings (with the massive 70 low E) and tuned it to drop C...this thing is a MONSTER such thicker killer sound yet amazingly not muddy...i finally found a place to use an invader, i didn't like it in an alder strat tuned to E or drop D but with this setup it works!!
Originally Posted by XSSIVE...i didn't like it in an alder strat tuned to E or drop D but with this setup it works!!
That's funny, because I'm a huge Invader fan, and my alder Strat with light strings in standard is the only place I haven't really liked it, too. I'm also considering the fact that heavier strings are part of the tone equation I can't go without
Woody Weatherman from COC uses a invader in his Les Paul I always liked the tone he got. Pepper uses Anderson PUPS, looked into those didn't like the reviews.
Awesome. Sound dude.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Just instaled Invader!