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I'll receive my Strat copy tomorrow and I want to have one of the tone pots to control both the bridge and the middle piukcup. I read somewhere that it can be done, but can't seem to find it.

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/Insane-Charvel-S...QQcmdZViewItem

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Yesterday I put an A2 magnet in my Custom, therefore it's now a CC.

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Hey guys,
I have been stratless for a bit now and finally went onto ebay and bought one, its a american 1987 3-tone burst with maple neck. I paid 700$ for it. If im not mistaken, 1987 was one of the first years that fender started producing stuff in the US again. Right? Anyways, im excited to get it and am wondering how it will play and sound, im sure it will be just fine, but just not quite sure what to expect because i dont think there was an american deluxe or fender custom shop in the states at the time... Can any of you Strat enthusiasts give me some info...

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Hey....I really love the look of the Gibson Les Paul Customs but....they are just too damn expensive....are there any cheaper models or brands that have the same premise? With good pickups?

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I've written 3 songs for my band so far, and have had two different approaches: Starting with chords/progressions, and starting with bass lines.

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I am trying to install 3 humbuckers in a flying-v (copy) for a guy, and can't find any schematics that will work for this. I only have room for 3 pots, right now it's set up as a vol, vol, tone. I may be able to get a push/pull in there.

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I've got $1,000 to spend. I was looking at the Orange Rocker 30, but don't know if I want to give up reverb and the effects loop. I want solid cleans and mid to high gain...but mid gain will work fine.

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I dig it!You Koreans really have a way with words.

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was just wondering if there's a way to get better at jazz improvising the blues way.

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Bid away, or make me and offer. PM me. -Will

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  • Nov 29 Mon 2010 21:02
  • WTB

I'm looking for a Floyd. either an OFR or Schaller or any good floyd unit for a decent price.

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Hi guys, i just received a load of audio tracks that i'm going to mix, but the thing is they at the 48Khz sample rate. Does anyone know any software to convert them to 44.1Khz including the drop in pitch i need coz they are higher in pitch and sped up slightly.

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Okay, here's 2 clips of my Ibanez RG520 (mahogany body, bolt on neck) with Phat Cat in the Bridge going through a Digitech Bad Monkey Overdrive and into my Morris Custom 50 Watt Head and Morris Cab. You are hearing an SM57 on the G12H30. Please let me know what you think of the tones. I like 'em.

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Played an awesome axe this weekend. New washburn X series. Buzz feiten system, grover keys, Duncan CC in the bridge, string thru body, floyd. man what a player!!! Wishing I had 599.Also played a Fernandes Ravelle (also with Duncans). I like the shape, but didnt care for the neck.
Also played a Fernandes with the sustainer system.. Whatfun that is!!!

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So I'm going with T.J.R. Guitarworks.The first piece will be done shortly.
It's basically a Tele body,but I built a Tele stlye and an LP Jr style at the same time to see which I liked better.I like them both so I'm going to go with a body design that is in between the two with body bevels in the back,single cut,arched top.

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I have a Vintage Rails pickup in the middle position of my guitar and I find it to be a bit flat and lifeless. It also doesn't seem right to have a mini-humbucking pickup in the middle of my guitar when I have two humbuckers in the bridge (SH6) and neck (PAF pro) positions to handle all of the gainy applications already.

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I've never done a magnet swap,
so I was thinking of putting SH-5b magnet in a SH-10n

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