Okay, here's 2 clips of my Ibanez RG520 (mahogany body, bolt on neck) with Phat Cat in the Bridge going through a Digitech Bad Monkey Overdrive and into my Morris Custom 50 Watt Head and Morris Cab. You are hearing an SM57 on the G12H30. Please let me know what you think of the tones. I like 'em.
Clip 1: from : localhost/3:
from : localhost/www.digitalsoundplanet.com/Me..._000030134.mp3
NO thoughts? Do you love them? Do you hate them?
very nice, sounds ACDC all the way to my ears
I was thinking it sounded a little more along the lines of The Darkness or Zeppelin, but I do like it. It's hard to really capture the tone with one mic, but I think I picked up some classic rock vibes.
Dude that sounds perfect.
Wow, man, I was thinking of buying another Agile with P90 and you clip really makes me want to now more about these... the sound is a lot fatter than I expected. Post more clips of the Phat Cats!
Good sound, better playing!!!
- Nov 29 Mon 2010 21:02
Bad Monkey / P-90 Clips!