Amp or speaker model aside, I like to know what others think about a choice of speaker sizes in a combo amp. (i.e. Peavey classic 4x10 or 2 x12, or Fender Blues DeVille or Traynor YCV80). I'm talking about blues or blues-rock played on a semi-hollow or solid body with humbuckers or even P-90s . What would be the difference sound between an amp with 4x!0s and one with 2x12s.
Or would this be an exercise in splitting hairs.
Thanks,... Robert1950
Just personally I would pick the 2x12.
I like 12s.
I normally like 12s (I'm more rock oriented though), but in the case of the HR Deville, I found the 410 to be much nicer sounding. Less clean headroom, but much much better overdrive.
4x10's tend to cut a little more, and 2x12's have a fuller low mid region. often times 4x10's are louder sounding.
You know, I posted the same question on Harmony Central and I got 8 repsonses - unanimous - for the 4x10s,... including one from the site admin. Go figure.
I like both, it just depends on what sound I'm going for.
I have a Rivera S120, stereo amp with 60 watts per side. I have the Marshall-y side (Channel I) hooked up to a 2X12 Rivera cab with EV SRO's and a 4X10 with Eminence Alnico 10quot; Blues on the Fender side, aka channel II.
damn, g5 ... i bet that sounds great!!! ... alot of heavy gear to schlep around, but i bet it is really a great sounding rig
i use (2) 1x12quot; cabs for a stereo rig ... a 2x12quot; cab with one side open and one side closed sounds about perfect to me
I also have 1 of each....Marshall 1965A w/4 Celestion Vintage 10s amp; a Marshall 1966A w/Mojo British Vintage quot;Greenbackquot; amp; V-30.
Like G5 said above, the dirtier quot;Marshallyquot; stuff thru the 2x12s amp; the cleaner quot;Fenderyquot; stuff thru the 4x10s just sounds fantastic....and HUGE!!!
Actually, they sound great together.
I've run my DST U84 (Hiwatt clean/Marshall Super Lead dirt) with the channels combined amp; it is GIGANTIC sounding.
OH AND.....they're both closed back cabs. For a different flavor, I made open back panels for both...and they sound equally as good open or closed.
puckboy already knows my take on this...but I'm a BIG fan of 10quot; speakers! I'm even looking at buying a 2x10 Vox berklee extension cab for my AC30 so I can have both 2x10 and 2x12
- Nov 29 Mon 2010 21:02
4x10s or 2x12s