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Revision.........make me a REASONABLE offer.

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well,i've got a line 6 pod pro(the original version,not quot;xtquot; series)rack-mount unit.it will be going into a mesa boogie std 4x12 cab w/v30's speakers.for those of use who are familiar with the line 6 pod series,i exclusively use the quot;modern high gainquot; amp selection which is modeled after a 1988 soldano x88 preamp.my question is : do i match this unit up with a tube power amp or a solid state power amp.i read somewhere recently that since the amp modeled is a very high gain digital signal,a tube amp is the only correct way(preserving the digital modeling signal's true tone) to go,such as the mesa boogie 50/50 tube power amp(which is a very popular choice for use with digital amp modeling. is there any truth to this and/or what are your recommendations??? thanks!

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I was just cleaning my pickguard when I noticed that the quot;oxide capsquot; are turning brownish. Like fading. Help!?

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to put drum machine outputs to the cd input of my amplifier especially if they have bass presets? Are drum machines considered as line level instruments?

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Hey I've just recently put the cool rail (neck position), vintage rail (middle position), and hot rail (bridge position) into my Texas Special strat and I'm just lovin' the tone...flexible as hell. However, I also own a blues deville 4X10 amp that I just re-tubed in the spring and all of the sudden I'm hearing this ugly crunching sound when some frequencies are played loudly on my guitar. It seems the volume consistently decreases by itself as well at times when playing for a while. This really makes everything sound like ****, so I was wondering if anyone knows maybe what the problem might be? I've left my amp in my car at times when it can get real real hot in the car..does that have anything to do with it? It seems the input jack on my guitar has also been a little loose lately but doesn't seem to pose much of a problem itself. I was also wondering if anyone knew of compressors that are better than those made by BOSS. Thanks a lot.

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I have a regular wound SD A2 single coil pickup to use in the neck of my strat. I was gonna use a Fender American Standard pickup in the middle with a C5 in the bridge. My question is, do I need to use the RWRP 'middle' strat pickup to get humcanceling, or are the 'regular' Fender SC's RWRP in relationship to the SDs? I was thinking that I would have to use the Fender RWRP, but maybe have to switch the live and ground wires for phase issues, but I'm not sure.

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Have anyone tried the Radial Tonebone overdrive/ distortion?
Classic or Hot british? I've read only good things about them, but would like to hear from users instead of magazine reviews.

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Well I ended up selling off my PRS CU 24 in order to get a PRS McCarty Rosewood Soapbar - I love solid rosewood necks!!! I was not thrilled with the neck pu. thought it was a little thick and lacked a bit of upper mid punch but I recorded this little clip and I gotta say I think it sounds GREAT. You can hear me switching pu's throughout. And of course being true to p-90's and considering I was sitting infront of my computer while I was recording you can actually hear some hum when I am not in the middle position. I was more interesested in getting a clip done to put the guitar through it paces so I just grabbed the first backing track that caught my fancy. I used the slowbeckish track that was posted last week. My take sounds quite different from the others, even my wife liked it and she is my hardest critic. Noodle too much and she is the first to call me on it.
from : localhost/home.comcast.net/~al_az/mccartysoapbar.mp3

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I have just bought a set of SM-1 Vintage mini-humbuckers. I am replacing the stock humbuckers in my Aria Pro II CS-250.

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I need a base plate to put on a Demon I have. It have the long legs and wont fit into the guitar well.It's regular spaced and I know I plate from a Duncan Designed will work too.If you have spare parts ,please let me know.Thanks

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anyone know how much these bad boys go for at GC?

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Can anybody speak to the quality of the Guild guitars made at Corona California? I am specifically interested in the Bluesbird models made after Westerly was closed, but would be interested in opinions on any Guild electric made at Corona. Thanks, Rusty

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I really thought I'd be back showing my new YCV20WR but I hate it to the point I put it for sale. So I'm now hunting for another YCV40, which I liked so much and miss a lot.

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Hey Guys,

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I have finally decided to go with a P90 style pup in my SG Standard. The only question is whether to go with SD's Phat Cat or the RioGrande Bastard (I don't think I'm going to bother with the Z90 or the Kurt Robinson). This seems like a pretty unbiased board so I'm figuring Seymour won't have home-field advantage. And thanks to everyone who opined on pickups for me in the last week. You've been a great help.

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im lookin for very deep chorus sounds in a pedal.no need for flange sounds,just plain and deep chorus.dont care much for vibrato either.
the major problem for me is that there are too many offers today from MXR,EH and Boss.

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I have a strat with a JB jr. in the bridge, and find it a little lacking. Have anyone tried a fullsize JB for the bridge with duckbuckers in the middle and neck positions? Any other combinations I should consider?

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What the f**k?

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Really weird. I took my Clyde Deluxe off my pedal board and brought to my buddies house because he's in the studio later this week and wants to use it. So up until then I've never had trouble with it. I get to his place and he plugs it in and starts wah'ing and then all of a sudden the treadle was stuck! It wouldn't go down... only up!?!?!?! So as human nature dictated he stepped on it a little firmer and then it popped back in and was fine.... until... it did it again!

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i realy want a vintage kramer style guitar and im considering buying the j frog glock 22 from ed romans site, does anyone have experience with this guitar?

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