With a backtrack
My playing is not spot on, but I liked the feel of it.
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- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
A jam..
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Flatwound strings anyone?
Haven't played guitar now in 7 months, been playing bass which from now on is my main instrument. Anyway, i play with flatwound strings on my bass and i wonder, does any famous guitarplayer nowadays play with flats? Anyone here at the forum? I can get D'addario chromes at the local store but there pretty expensive for being guitar strings.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Boneshaker:Cheap Sunglasses/Summer Song/(w/train kept a rollin')
from : localhost/the other songs.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Old Strings Bop (Jazz
It's not really my thing, but its the only thing to play with dead strings!
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Where can I get a fender vintage ri trem?
Im looking for a fender 57'/62' reissue trem but is there a difference between the 57 and 62 or are they the same. And where can i get one cause all ive seen is the fender trem that just says vintage, is it the same one or would it say 57 or 62 reissue?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
A very, very cool band i reckon... but how to get their sound? Gibson 335s, Fender amps and wierd open tunings are a-go, but what about fuzz boxes?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
mesa f
im in need of a new amp. im not sure exactly how much moneys i gots to spend, but i am looking at the f- 50. i might just get the combo, or just wait and get a stack. i dont know about that yet. but whats everyones expirience with it? the reason im looking at it is because ive heard its got great cleans, and also nice distortion. what would you guys compare the cleans to? i love the fender cleans.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Volume loss
A strange problem; my high E string has a lower volume than for example my G string. Why? I've tried to raise my pickup higher on the brighter strings than the others, but it doesn't help. What can I do?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
New warmoth strat project, help me pick a finish
okay dudes, keeping the details to a mininum:
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
LP versus Strat (Lets duke this out once and for all)
folks, showdown. Lets one up an LP to a Strat. the rule is you can only choose one and say why you like it better than the other. doesnt mean the other is bad.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Hot Rodded Set
Please tell me if you've tried the hot rodded set (Jazz JB) and what your experiences were, and what your guitar is. Thanks!
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Bass Amps: Mesa 400 vs Ampeg SVT-2 Pro
I'm looking for a quality, tube bass head, and these are the two that seem the most interesting to me (I'm leaning towards the Boogie). Does anyone have experience with either one?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
setting up my new guitar ( tune o matic w/ stop tailpiece ) and they're both as low as they can go but the action is still pretty high..what can i do ?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Gibson Firebrand?
Are they any good?
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
DC style guitar w/ P90s
I saw a post about the Hamer Archtop P90 (I think) and it intrigued me. I've always liked the doublecut style body. I'd love a real Gibson, but I just can't afford it at this point.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Roccaforte hi-gain 50 !!!!!!!!!
I have 2 words for you Holy Crap !!!!!!!!!!!(G-rated version!) i picked up my ROCCAFORTE Hi-gain 50 head today from a local guy . man this thing kills , marshall crunch and roar i think roar is the key word . lots of sustain and nasty harmonics just like i wanted . it came loaded with NOS Mullard ecc83's and Mullard el-34's , it is a killer dark green color with chrome logo and front pannel it is marked #8 on the back . not to bore you with all the amps that have come and gone through my house in the last year . but this is a keeper i know it is a honeymoon period but out of all the killer amps i have had this one was plug and play and just plain awesome out of the gate !!!!!
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Fender twin amp/hot rod deluxe VS Marshall JCM900/2000
Hi guys
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Bought a really cool guitar today.....
Dont laugh....Lotus Les Paul....this thing is a solid chunk of wood, no plywood...looks like mahogony. It was pretty jacked when I got it, broken bridge...rusty chrome...non working. I rebuilt it this evening with some new gold hardware, winder pegs, some new pups and knobs...and a little extra deal on the headstock(lol).
This thing rings like a MFer.......very toneful and wide open chords, very cool for the little cash I have in it.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Rod Piazzo mod. on Fender Bassman
I think that's what it's called. Something to do with the Chicago sound. A Bassman has come up and I'm thinknig about buying it. The guy selling it says it has the mod but doesn't relly know what it is. I guess the guy who owned it before did it or something. The only thing he could tell me was that it's only on channel 1.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Adjusting neck HB height and polepiece height
I pulled out the old Artist this morning. It's probably an AR50. The neck pup is probably a stock 1980 Ibanez pup. The scant 'net research I did suggests it's a Super 70 or Super 58. The low strings are muddy and soft, the high strings are thin and icepicky. I tried raising and lowering the pup, and raising and lowering the polepieces, none of which seemed to help. If there is a way to brighten up the low strings and fatten up the high strings with polepiece and height adjustments, should the polepieces go up or down, and should the pup go up or down?