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for the record, I'm usually a duncan guy =) I have JB's in both of my guitars (one of which I'm selling..see signature!!)..the one that I'm selling has been replaced with a EBMM petrucci model..

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Hi guys,need a diagram for the following.I've 3 cool rails in a strat,i want the option to split the middle p/up,and to remove it from the circuit so i get neck and bridge on together

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I wanted to buy a Warmoth body but I don't see anything about routing for a Mini humbucker. I thought I read here before that a mini hum works in a P-90 slot with a special mounting ring. Could anyone help me with this? Mini hums are the coolest and I'd really like to build a guitar with them. Thanks!!

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Hendrix 1
Hendrix 2

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...e=STRK:MESE:IT

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Hey guys.

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I've always been a fan of the Meshuggah guitar sound, especially Frederick Thorendals airy lead tone.

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I did some experimenting the other day and found lower output pickups faired best for all styles to my ears.

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Just curious to know where we stand in the rig config department.

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Well, a good family friend died a while back. I've known he had an old Martin of some sorts. Never really got to see it. His wife tells my mom and then to me via email that she has his old guitar. He told her a few years ago it was worth about 300 bucks. She wanted to know if I wanted to buy it.

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Haven't played guitar now in 7 months, been playing bass which from now on is my main instrument. Anyway, i play with flatwound strings on my bass and i wonder, does any famous guitarplayer nowadays play with flats? Anyone here at the forum? I can get D'addario chromes at the local store but there pretty expensive for being guitar strings.

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You know that intro riff, what's that? A Tele bridge pickup, or a Strat?

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It's not really my thing, but its the only thing to play with dead strings!

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I was wondering if any you guys who have strats with a jb in the bridge could play something with gain and post it here. Something like with a Green day or punk sound to it. I need to here what it sounds like as I'am considering getting one on my strat.

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The big brother to the blues amp thread - which y'all pickin?

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this was a bit impulsive in a way, but not really, as it's been in the back of my mind ... especially since I did my last ash strat, which came out very nice, and is one of my liveliest electrics acoustically and electrically

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Hey guys,
I just upgraded my American standard strat with a JB/Jazz set, and a Megaswitch P model for PRS wiring. WOW..... am i loving it!

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ok so ive asked all the wrong questions but this time i know what i want my les paul to sound like in the neck position.
in a sentence,very clean sounding and clear for jazz and blues in the clean channel with no distortion what so ever on that sound.sort a like the 59.

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I've always wondered what the output of the EMG HZ4 and HZ3 is?

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What's difference between the 60's era strat and the 70's era strat? Strat players will often refer to the 60's and 70's era's?

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