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Anybody have suggestions for a good Acoustic forum. I have mostly Gibson acoustics, but I just bought a Martin and I have some other brands. I don't really want a brand-specific forum.

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About finding an SG with an ash body.

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i saw a picture of the guitarist for the british group quot;Aquot; and it looks like he has a single coil blues saraceno model in the neck of his guitar. I checked the duncan site and i can't find anything about it. Anyone know anything about this pickup?

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Hey all, seeing as i've managed to work out how to record videos, i thought i post one up for you lot to see what you think!

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This strat clone is 20 years old, but in very good condition. Has a very nice metallic blue finish with a black pickguard. The guitar itself has a lot of heft for a strat style guitar, its at least as heavy as my MIM fat strat. The tuners are excellent, this thing stays in tune for months. It's a cheap string thru bridge with quot;Tquot; style saddles, not string thru body. Not sure what type of wood it's made from.

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I put together a mahagony body/maple top and rosewood neck/ebony fretboard Warmoth guitar, and I got an Alnico II Pro for the neck, Fender Lace Sensor Gold for the middle, and Dimarzio Super Distortion for the bridge. I'm happy with the A2P and the Lace Sensor, but the Super Distortion sounds like I've got my wah pedal pushed all the way forward. I'm looking for what I did wrong, but I may have to just give up and replace it at some point. One of my issues may be that I got non f-spaced, but the gotoh 510 bridge I used has a wide string spread. The guitar overall is very bright and sharp sound, so I need a pickup with a lot of mids and lows to counter that. The ideas that I've come up with for replacements are:
Custom Custom Trembucker

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Hello all,
I was looking at the Guitar Nuts site and readint the quot;Quieting the beastquot; article, it looks simple enough and I'm interested in giving this a try on my strat. That said, are these methods effective and a worthwhile thing to do? Also, since my soldering skills are kinda... well crappy... if I gave the schematics to my luthier do you think he would charge an extra fee to wire it up this way versus the standard method?

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in a rails type pup (hot rails, cool rails, etc), are the rails the actual magnets, or are they positioned elsewhere? Also, if the answer is the latter, is it possible to change the magnet to something else? thanks

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i cant choice which one should i get
sh-4 , aph1 ,sh 55 or sh 12

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I need 3 total that are rather hot.

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I put this on HC as well.I have a 2 month old SD Li 59 Tele bridge pup that I want to get rid of. I will trade it for another Tele bridge pup. I want something that is going to quack like a duck and pick like a chicken. Let me know what you have, but it's gotta be TWANGY!!!!! If you wanna buy shoot me an offer.

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Why is it the the Peavey Classic 30 uses 4 power tubes when almost every other combo amp in it`s range uses 2 power tubes. Can you pull the 2 outside power tubes in the Peavey and knock the watts down like a lot of people do with heads running power tubes. If so what does that do to the impendence , I pretty sure a the stock speaker is 16 ohm.

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Which 2x12 would you recommend to go with my Randall RG100SC combo? I'll be using it mostly for metal/rock, maybe some jazz/swing style music. The cab, in combination with my combo, should have tight, loud, strong bass and should be able to maintain the clarity I've got, at least to some extent.

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I have an EXCELLENT condition FRED in BLACK with quot;Fquot; Spacing

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Okay, It's summer and I plan on playing ALOT of guitar. I am working on a solid practice routine building on a whole bunch of things.
I so far have these, which I will split into time within 2 hours, although I plan on playing 6 a day:

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03' Desert Burst
Hardshell Case

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......does the amount of solder influence the way a pickup sounds? For example if you use much more solder than necessary does it affect the pickup in terms of treble frequencies or output????

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wow this thing is sick... i want to sell alot of my **** to finance it, but i know it wont happen.

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hey all
I just picked up the Epi Valve special. Its a Class A 5W tube run into a 10quot; speaker. Overall I'm impressed with the design and quality. its plenty loud at grungy levels.

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Hey I have 2 12quot;s right now but I want six!

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