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I have finally decided to go with a P90 style pup in my SG Standard. The only question is whether to go with SD's Phat Cat or the RioGrande Bastard (I don't think I'm going to bother with the Z90 or the Kurt Robinson). This seems like a pretty unbiased board so I'm figuring Seymour won't have home-field advantage. And thanks to everyone who opined on pickups for me in the last week. You've been a great help.

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im lookin for very deep chorus sounds in a pedal.no need for flange sounds,just plain and deep chorus.dont care much for vibrato either.
the major problem for me is that there are too many offers today from MXR,EH and Boss.

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I really thought I'd be back showing my new YCV20WR but I hate it to the point I put it for sale. So I'm now hunting for another YCV40, which I liked so much and miss a lot.

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Really weird. I took my Clyde Deluxe off my pedal board and brought to my buddies house because he's in the studio later this week and wants to use it. So up until then I've never had trouble with it. I get to his place and he plugs it in and starts wah'ing and then all of a sudden the treadle was stuck! It wouldn't go down... only up!?!?!?! So as human nature dictated he stepped on it a little firmer and then it popped back in and was fine.... until... it did it again!

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i realy want a vintage kramer style guitar and im considering buying the j frog glock 22 from ed romans site, does anyone have experience with this guitar?

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Hey guys...Is there anything similar to either a 59 or JB (bridge position) but with more bass? I've used 59 and also a JB in the bridge of my alder flying v but the low end just isn't there. The guitar itself is fairly light and airy sounding, which I like, but this leaves me with little low end and I end up having to adjust my amp settings.

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What the f**k?

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Looking for a black Hot Rails for the neck position. I've been checking the bay, but I thought I'd post here as well. Thanks

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...Name=WDVWamp;rd=1

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I hear alot of good things about the twang banger and might give one a shot for the bridge in my Jimmy Vaughn strat with my 2 ssl-1s.What other single coil does the twang banger most sound like?Ive tried several others and Im just tryin to get an idea of what the twang banger's tone is like.Thanks yall,Jason

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About a month ago I bought a PRS SE Soapbar II. This is my first experience with a P90 equipt guitar. While the guitar is a dream to play the pickups threw me for a loop. When I first tried it out I thought the bridge pickup was too trebely and thin and that the neck pickup was too muddy. Overly so in both cases. Oh well, nothing that a bit of adjusting won't take care of, right? Wrong! I tried everything with the pickup's height's as well as the pole pieces to remedy the situation but nothing helped. The contrast between the bridge and neck pup's was too drastic and the output of the neck pickup was greater than the bridge pickup. I thought man, something's wrong here. So I decided to follow a hunch. I unsoldered the pickups and switched them so the bridge pickup is now in the neck and the neck is now in the bridge. Turns out I was right! Someone goofed big time when they installed the pickups!! Now the balance is correct as it should be and it turns out to be a pretty good sounding guitar! My purpose in writing this was just to inform any of you who might be interested in buying one of these guitars. The guitar plays great, stays in tune great but really give a good listen to those pickups before buying.

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Hello i have been playing guitar for a year and a few months. I just recently started taking lessons i was self taught up until now. I wanted to know if anyone could give me their opinion on my try at the Crazy Train Solo. from : localhost/You

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Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I am trying to pick a bridge humbucker for my H-S-H super strat. 2 piece Alder body, 1 piece maple neck with rosewood fretboard, 24 frets, top routed with pickguard, vintage style non-locking tremolo, 500K volume and tone pots, 5-way switching, master split/tap switch, and neck on switch, and some serious shielding.

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Does anyone have any experience with these? Expecially the Gothic Flying v?It looks kinda interesting but i know nothing about the company or the guitars.

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Wow i'm being a post whore today. Hehehe. Sorry about that. I'm not here very often I s'pose.This is a bad picture of me with my stuff...
(I just added that biohazard sticker the other day :P. I'm proud of it because it actually came from a lab lol)

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The 15 watt is just killing me. I've got a head enclosure on order, but it's taking s long time. I've also got the 1x12 combo coming to the casa tomorrow. I should have it stained this weekend. The engraver is taking waaaaay too freaking long to get my face and back plates ready. I'm about to change vendors on that one.

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from : localhost/amp appears to be my dream amp. 15 watt tube with the ability to be cut down to 5 watts, no frills attached. The soundclips sound great also. Does anyone have any experience with this amp or any of the other amps in this series? How are they for blues/funk/jazz? And how well do they handle pedals? (would be running minimal effects, maybe a tubescreamer and wah)

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For a basswood body with a vintage trem and a maple neck/fretboard. I'm looking for enough output to do metal but I want it to clean decently (I'm using the blackpanel model on the POD so perfect cleans aren't needed) and to remain clarity. Tight bass is a plus, otherwise I'm looking for a good amount of mids. Whether it's bright or warm doesn't matter much to me really. You may also suggest other brand of pickups. It HAS to be a humbucker though, but in Single Coil size.

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Anyone know anything about the full shred/ distortion, clean channel, sustain, pinch harmonics, noise, feedback, ect.. Im thinkin about gettin one for my fat strat bridge and i wanta make sure it can crutch down to stuff like metallica/ panterra while screaming sustaining solos like zack wylde/randy rhoads. If not maybe your could name a few pickup that do.

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