Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I am trying to pick a bridge humbucker for my H-S-H super strat. 2 piece Alder body, 1 piece maple neck with rosewood fretboard, 24 frets, top routed with pickguard, vintage style non-locking tremolo, 500K volume and tone pots, 5-way switching, master split/tap switch, and neck on switch, and some serious shielding.
Right now, it has an Anderson H1-, Duncan SSL-4T, and H2 pickups. Great pickups, with very stratty split tones.
Now, I've fallen in love with Petrucci's lead and clean tone. Keyword clean. That almost acoustic clean tone back in his Ibanez days. I want that very unique tone in my guitar. I am gonna use an Air Norton in the neck position. For the middle, my Duncan Quarter Pound Tapped.
Obviously, a Steve's Special would be the best choice to get his tones, but I am not too fond of scooped pickups on alder guitars. Mahogany or basswood would be a different story. I want the bridge pickup to be fat, hence my leaning towards the Breed, Air Zone, and although possibly too hot for me, the Tone Zone.
Of those 3, which is gonna give me that sweet clean when combined with the Air Norton, in split mode using the inner coils?.
Your input would be greatly appreciated.
Tone Zone, it's not hot at all really, it's just very well voiced so that it sounds like a highoutput pickup but it really doesn't play too much like it, very clear distinct pick attack and whatnot. Look into it and a Air Zone in the neck. Petrucci's acoustic quality clean tone is possibly due to a lot of studio work and his piezo pickups mixed with a electric clean.
out of the three, i say the air zone.
Why would you ask this question on a sponsor BBS?
It is one thing to ask for comparisons between SD and Dimarzio models or to ask what SD model will compliment another manufacturer’s pickup. But to use this forum to help you decide on a competitors model is inconsiderate.
I know that SD is very liberal about allowing posts like yours. I also know that many others have posted the same. None the less, how about showing a little respect toward .
Chaos, its no big deal bro! I understand where you are coming from though.
Originally Posted by ChaosWhy would you ask this question on a sponsor BBS?
It is one thing to ask for comparisons between SD and Dimarzio models or to ask what SD model will compliment another manufacturer’s pickup. But to use this forum to help you decide on a competitors model is inconsiderate.
I know that SD is very liberal about allowing posts like yours. I also know that many others have posted the same. None the less, how about showing a little respect toward .
on the contrary, i reckon sd takes pride in having a forum where members are free to discuss any pickups under the sun besides sd.
first of all, we are mostly guitar players (with a selected few bass players). in our music playing history, we have tried countless pickups, amps, effects etc. sd as a company has my utmost respect to have given us an avenue to share those priceless experiences. especially in regards to competitors' product (no competitor's product bashing though). that's the beauty of the sd forum.
an sd forum need not meant just for discussion of sd products. i would not want to see the sd forum turn into another lp forum. try posting something about a strat or tele and you'll see what i meant.
btw, no offense chaos. i am just stating my 2-bits worth. i hope you don't take this personally!
hahaha you guys are funny..... im neutral for the discussing the other maufactuers........... as for the dimarzio pup i would go with the air zone.
Originally Posted by ChaosWhy would you ask this question on a sponsor BBS?
It is one thing to ask for comparisons between SD and Dimarzio models or to ask what SD model will compliment another manufacturer’s pickup. But to use this forum to help you decide on a competitors model is inconsiderate.
I know that SD is very liberal about allowing posts like yours. I also know that many others have posted the same. None the less, how about showing a little respect toward .
It's completely advantageous to to have people asking about different brands on this board.
What good is it for SD to force a pickup on someone that might not be right for them making them unhappy with the product and furthermore SD and it's affiliated board for recommending it.
I, for one, have no respect for companies that try to sell me only the stuff they have even though they know it might not be the right product for me.
If I go to buy a used car and I need a pickup truck and all the guy has is compact cars.....what good does it do to force a car on someone that doesn't need it? Does that help your credibility and character as a business?? Certainly not.Same thing is applicable here. I've always recommened the right pickup for the job on this board regardless of brand....there's a place for everyone since every pickup and company is different. I'd rather have someone walk away with a tone they like instead of ram-rodding something down someones throat because of company loyalties....that helps no one.
Chaos, chill out bro, we do this all the time. We always end up coming back to duncans and we all have Dimarzio curiosity from time to time, myself included.
I say try the tone zone first, if you don't like it, try a breed.
Originally Posted by DracoAranThank you for taking the time to read this.
I am trying to pick a bridge humbucker for my H-S-H super strat. 2 piece Alder body, 1 piece maple neck with rosewood fretboard, 24 frets, top routed with pickguard, vintage style non-locking tremolo, 500K volume and tone pots, 5-way switching, master split/tap switch, and neck on switch, and some serious shielding.
Right now, it has an Anderson H1-, Duncan SSL-4T, and H2 pickups. Great pickups, with very stratty split tones.
Now, I've fallen in love with Petrucci's lead and clean tone. Keyword clean. That almost acoustic clean tone back in his Ibanez days. I want that very unique tone in my guitar. I am gonna use an Air Norton in the neck position. For the middle, my Duncan Quarter Pound Tapped.
Obviously, a Steve's Special would be the best choice to get his tones, but I am not too fond of scooped pickups on alder guitars. Mahogany or basswood would be a different story. I want the bridge pickup to be fat, hence my leaning towards the Breed, Air Zone, and although possibly too hot for me, the Tone Zone.
Of those 3, which is gonna give me that sweet clean when combined with the Air Norton, in split mode using the inner coils?.
Your input would be greatly appreciated.I'd stay away from the Breed, Air Zone, TZ or any mid-bass boosted pickup Dimarzio makes..which is a lot actually. While I love those pickups they certainly don't remind me anything of this clean type tone you are mentioning.
I understand your concern about not wanting a scooped pickup but I think the pickup kind of has to be at least somewhat light on the mids/bass for that kind of tone.
The Dimarzio Megadrive is actually similar to the Steve's Special but it's a little warmer sounding....not quite so scooped according to Dimarzio....but I think it would fit closest to the bill which you are describing.
Originally Posted by ranalliIt's completely advantageous to to have people asking about different brands on this board.
What good is it for SD to force a pickup on someone that might not be right for them making them unhappy with the product and furthermore SD and it's affiliated board for recommending it.
I, for one, have no respect for companies that try to sell me only the stuff they have even though they know it might not be the right product for me.
If I go to buy a used car and I need a pickup truck and all the guy has is compact cars.....what good does it do to force a car on someone that doesn't need it? Does that help your credibility and character as a business?? Certainly not.Same thing is applicable here. I've always recommened the right pickup for the job on this board regardless of brand....there's a place for everyone since every pickup and company is different. I'd rather have someone walk away with a tone they like instead of ram-rodding something down someones throat because of company loyalties....that helps no one.
I could be wrong, but I believe the forum exists for one or both of two reasons.
The forum is a sales tool for SD to generate interest in their line of pickups and / or and his company have provided the forum for fellow guitarists out generosity.
In the first case, it is counterproductive for SD to invest money and time operating a BBS for the benefit of Dimarzio.
In the second case SDs generosity should not be taken for granted. Asking for advice on a competitor’s model shows disrespect.
SD may allow it, but common courtesy should prevent it.
Originally Posted by ChaosI could be wrong, but I believe the forum exists for one or both of two reasons.
The forum is a sales tool for SD to generate interest in their line of pickups and / or and his company have provided the forum for fellow guitarists out generosity.
In the first case, it is counterproductive for SD to invest money and time operating a BBS for the benefit of Dimarzio.
In the second case SDs generosity should not be taken for granted. Asking for advice on a competitor’s model shows disrespect.
SD may allow it, but common courtesy should prevent it.
I see your point but on the contrary, if they starting imposing rules like that, the atmosphere of the board would suddenly change and if all of a sudden it became just a tool for marketing people would stop coming here.
The way it is now actually gives SD the best possible advertising, pr, and overall positive reflection on them. Dimarzio doesn't have a forum so a lot of Dimarzio users come here too, then what happens, they get turned on to pickups.
I see your point about common courtesy. But I doubt anyone at SD is losing sleep over it. None of use would be here if we weren't fans of 's products anyway. You never see a thread titled quot;Dimarzios are better than Duncans!quot;.
You could also consider the D Sonic, with the solid bar towards the neck.
Originally Posted by Xeromus
None of use would be here if we weren't fans of 's products anyway.
That's the genius of allowing posts about other pickup makes. SD has a fairly loyal group of customers who are biased in favor of SD pickups. When someone asks about Dimarzios or other brands, someone else will often either suggest trying or refer to an SD product. Those recommendations seem less likely to be biased coming from a customer rather than an SD staffer. (and I am not suggesting any sinister motives here, just making a point that the forum is an effective sales tool, especially if you can steer the competition's business your way...)
I also think Dimarzio are a bunch of fools for not having a forum, but that's another discussion...
You hafta be joking me. We discuss Duncans, EMG's, Fender, Dimarzio, Tom Anderson, Fralin, Kinman, etc etc etc, on a daily basis. I always recommend pickups based on the person's needs as well.
I have nothing but respect for , and have tried so many of his pickups it's not even funny.
In this particular instance, based on my experience with Duncans, my best picks to fatten up that bridge slot would be PATB1, SH-8, TB-11, with the Parallel Axis and the Invader being way too hot, and the CC not having enough low end. And I know for a fact that the Blues Saraceno doesn't split all that well. So what would you recommend?. Another Les Paul based humbucker like a JB, Custom, or what have you?.
God bless Dimarzio for focusing on tone robbed tremolo loaded super strats. Thank you for the great strat singles and Les Paul humbucker options. Where would modern metal be right now without EMG's?.
It would be foolish to become blindly loyal to one brand.
One more thing, perhaps you should do an advanced search and look up quot;Dimarzioquot;, and click quot;thread titles onlyquot;. You're in for quot;oh so disrespectfulquot; surprise.
It's OK to talk about other pickup brands here. And even to request and offer recommendations for our competitors' pickups. As long as it's done with respect to the competitors and not slagging them.
One other thing . . . it is the very quot;tonequot; of this forum that generates respect for the SD company, and helps to keep me loyal to them. Pop over to the BL forum, or HC. As much as I believe BL's are probably great pups, I have little desire to try them based solely on the quot;spiritquot; of their website and forum.
- Oct 11 Mon 2010 21:01
Help picking a Dimarzio.